From:Joshua Kielas <br />To:Eugene RR-SC Plan <br />Subject:Neighborhood Plan Adoption Comment <br />Date:Monday, March 11, 2024 8:46:30 AM <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Mayor Vinis, City Council, City Manager, and County Commissioners: <br />I am a previous RRCO board member, and I spent a few years deeply involved in the <br />neighborhood planning process. I was excited that the City seemed to be truly including <br />neighbors so we could come up with a plan that wouldn't just serve the biggest business <br />interests, and might allow River Road and Santa Clara to become neighborhoods that <br />really support people. Along with my neighbors I was truly excited about the <br />environmental and livability benefits of the 20 minute neighborhoods concept. I attended <br />the meetings, participated in focus groups, canvassed along the corridor, and did direct <br />outreach to the public as a volunteer. <br />Then there came a point when I left the process because I started to feel we were being <br />used to check boxes on some citizen participation list rather than being genuinely <br />engaged in good faith. <br />After reading the recent letter from the CAC, a group that has given incredibly <br />generously to this process so it can end up being something we all feel good about, I felt <br />the need to send this one last message in the hope that Councilors and Commissioners <br />will take a stand with the many hundreds of people who gave freely of their time and <br />effort to do something new and great here. <br />I've visited neighborhoods where the main commercial areas are lined with three or four <br />story buildings that have commercial spaces on the ground floor and people living and <br />working above, and they are some of the most enjoyable neighborhoods I have ever <br />experienced, with the density to support numerous small businesses, and businesses that <br />cater to that dense population. We need to enforce ground floor commercial in our <br />commercially zoned areas to help realize that vision. And almost nowhere but in big <br />cities and major downtown areas does anyone want to see 10 story buildings blocking out <br />the sky. <br />Please don't allow vocal special interests to make it seem like this process wasn't robust. <br />Please keep faith with the people who took you at your word and delivered on this task. <br />So much has already been compromised from the original vision. It makes me sick to <br />think it might be completely gutted before it gets put into force. <br />Sincerely, <br />Joshua Kielas <br />River Road Neighborhood Resident <br /> <br />13