From:nora morgan <br />To:Eugene RR-SC Plan <br />Subject:River Road/Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan <br />Date:Sunday, March 10, 2024 10:57:53 PM <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Mayor Vinis, City Council, City Manager and County Commissioners: <br />Why would we commit hours, months, years of planning and listening to form a plan for our <br />community and submit it to you for approval and not have the code changes that support the <br />community vision? <br />Please do not disregard the desires of the residents of this community who have devoted so <br />much to this plan. <br />I would direct you to the letters from the Citizen Advisory Committee for the River <br />Road/Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan and the board of the Santa Clara Community <br />Organization. <br />Please do not act against the desires of the residents of these communities and give these plans <br />the power needed to make them a reality. <br />Sincerely, <br />Nora Morgan <br />River Road Community Resident <br />14