From:Joel Robe <br />To:Eugene RR-SC Plan <br />Subject:Respect neighborhood plan goals <br />Date:Monday, March 11, 2024 9:23:16 AM <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Please pass the River Rd/Santa Clara neighborhood plan including the code adjustments <br />specific to the plan. To do so will respect the time of the city staff and River Road and Santa <br />Clara residents who filled the North Eugene High School multiple times over the last 6 plus <br />years. <br />The plan for the future of the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods is the result of <br />thousands of resident hours of work. The goal is to create more attractive place for residents to <br />live, businesses to thrive, and tourists to visit. It will provide a vibrant corridor leading into the <br />city. With the code changes, developed with city staff assistance, the city will incentivize <br />development of combined business and residential buildings to replace the current <br />hodgepodge of strip malls. Without the code changes the goal of the plan will not be met, the <br />corridor will likely denigrate further into more unattractive strip malls, land use density will <br />not increase, and the thousand of hours of work to develop the neighborhood plan will not be <br />respected. <br />Thank you. <br />Joel and Carol Robe <br />Santa Clara residents <br />12