From:Charlotte Hennessy <br />To:Eugene RR-SC Plan <br />Subject:RR, SC Neighborhood Plan <br />Date:Monday, March 11, 2024 11:35:40 AM <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Please consider this input for deciding the plan: <br />1) In C-2 zones restrict building ht. to 65 ft. (We don't want to live in tunnels) <br />2) In C-2 zoned, with multistory housing, include ground floor <br />commercial business. <br />3) Require careful transit planning. Consider local resident needs and make all <br />forms of transit easy to the desired destinations and available to all age groups and <br />abilities. <br />Generally, we want a vibrant area that encompasses housing, outdoor spaces with a <br />generous amount of trees, and easy access to local shopping. <br />Thank you, <br />Charlotte Hennessy <br />3344 Admiral St, Eugene <br />541-378-2308 <br /> <br />11