A large community event with over 200 attendees, Pumpkin Pie and Planning was held on November 13, 2019. This event was an opportunity to share the draft actions, listen to feedback, and discuss next steps and how the community can stay involved. The event materials can be found on the project website and included draft River Road Corridor Study proposed zoning concept maps and transition standards graphics that illustrate potential design standards that support the neighborhood plan’s draft goals and policies. The project team also developed maps to illustrate the key priorities in the topic areas of Transportation and Parks and Natural Resources. In winter 2020, postcards were mailed to property owners, residents and businesses in River Road and Santa Clara inviting them to a series of neighborhood conversations. These conversations are an opportunity for the community to discuss and learn about the neighborhood plan and how zoning is proposed to change as part of plan implementation. This input will continue to inform the CAC and project team as they begin to develop the components to be included in the neighborhood plan adoption package. <br /> <br />River Road Corridor Study As part of the ongoing neighborhood planning process, an in-depth analysis of the River Road corridor is underway. The River Road Corridor Study includes stakeholder interviews, public workshops, economic and demographic research, and conceptual design work. The results of the Study will include proposed land use code amendments along the corridor as well as other recommendations to support implementation of the neighborhood vision along River Road, up to the location of the planned Santa Clara Transit Center at Hunsaker Lane. Based on community input and collaboration with the CAC, the River Road Corridor Study project team created the draft Preferred Zoning Concept Map in Attachment C. The concept supports creating thriving neighborhood centers at key locations to support 20-minute neighborhoods and provide a variety of housing options within ¼ mile of the corridor that fit into the scale and character of existing residential neighborhoods. In addition to the map, the consultant team drafted the Code Framework provided in Attachment D, basing it on previous work with the CAC, general public, and project staff team. The purpose of the framework is to establish the overall direction of the new base zones and outline the structure prior to the detailed development of draft code language this spring. The framework includes guiding design principles that explain the intent of the regulations and directly connect the code to the goals, policies and actions in the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan. <br />City Council Decision-Making The Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners have joint decision-making authority in this project, including the following: <br /> Receive updates and provide direction to the project management team throughout the planning process <br /> Convene public hearings, consider the Planning Commission recommendations, and act to adopt by Ordinance the neighborhood plan as a refinement to the local comprehensive plan. The City Council has sole decision-making authority over any changes to the City’s land use code (Eugene Code Chapter 9) and any changes in zoning to land within the city limits that occur as part of this process. <br />CC Agenda - Page 3