Action Planning Phase In May 2019, the project transitioned into the Action Planning phase, which focused on drafting, evaluating and prioritizing actions to implement the draft policies. Refining the action items has been a collaborative process among the Community Advisory Committee, Working Group members, and City, County, and partner agency staff to incorporate community and technical feedback. The Action Plan Highlights provided in Attachment B are key priorities for implementing the River Road-Santa Clara neighborhood plan. Each highlight relates to one or more draft actions in Attachment C. On February 3, 2020, the project’s second Triple Bottom Line Sounding Board meeting was held to provide a citywide perspective about the equity, environmental, and economic implications of proposed action items in the neighborhood plan topic areas. Throughout the topic areas, there are overarching themes such as equity and inclusion, connectivity, healthy people and climate, safety, prosperity and neighborhood identity. Some Action Plan Highlights such as creating a thriving mixed-use corridor address and consider the TBL goals as a whole. The TBL Sounding Board input also emphasized the need to balance priority actions such as providing housing options while creating design transitions to ensure sustainable, equitable outcomes. The CAC and technical staff will continue preparing the Action Plan with details such as who would be responsible for implementing the action and a general estimate for cost, timeframe and feasibility. Some actions will take collaboration between City staff, decision-makers and the community. An important outcome of the Action Plan is to support continued neighborhood advocacy and future funding and resource requests for ongoing plan implementation. This also includes identifying priority actions, such as land use code amendments to include in the neighborhood plan adoption package. The adoption package will be comprised of the neighborhood plan document, which includes the goals, policies and actions, as well as land use code amendments, plan designation and zone changes, legal findings, and ordinances. Proposed zone and plan designation changes as part of the neighborhood plan actions or River Road Corridor Study are all within Eugene’s urban growth boundary. Any proposed zone changes outside the city limits will only occur and become effective as property owners choose to annex. In March 2020, the project team is also providing project updates and seeking feedback from the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. <br /> <br /> <br />Community Outreach Throughout the Action Planning phase, there have been a variety of opportunities for community input including an online survey, focused outreach to affordable housing communities and businesses, and a large community event. Throughout summer 2019, staff and volunteers attended a range of events, from concerts in the parks to events at the volunteer library, making sure that folks knew about the neighborhood plan and were invited to add their voice. The Neighborhood Plan survey was also available during this time to let community members say what is most important to them and suggest edits for a selection of key actions. <br />CC Agenda - Page 2