Next Steps The CAC and staff are continuing outreach to the broad community, residents, businesses and property owners, and the River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations as well as continuing to work towards a recommended Action Plan with identified priorities to include in the neighborhood plan adoption package. The River Road Corridor Study project team will integrate feedback as they begin developing more detailed draft code language through the spring. Community and technical input will continue to help inform the community recommendation from the River Road and Santa Community Organizations and the Community Advisory Committee this summer. The community recommendation will be forwarded to the Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions to begin the formal adoption process with work sessions and public hearings later this year. The Planning Commissions will deliberate and form a recommendation to City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. The City Council and Board will then hold a public hearing, deliberate and consider whether to adopt the plan. For more comprehensive information, see the project website: <br /> <br /> <br />PREVIOUS COUNCIL DIRECTION April 26, 2017, Work Session Move to direct the City Manager to refocus the City's planning efforts on developing special area zones or refinement plans for the River Road/Santa Clara area where significant preparatory work and planning has already occurred by area residents. (Motion passed.) May 15, 2019, Work Session Move to direct staff to begin the Action Planning phase of the project based on the draft goals and policies. (Motion passed.) <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS This work session is for informational purposes only. <br /> <br /> <br />ATTACHMENTS A. Community Advisory Committee members B. Action Plan Highlights C. January 2020 Draft of Goals, Policies and Actions D. River Road Corridor Study Draft Preferred Zoning Concept Map E. River Road Corridor Study Draft Code Framework <br /> <br />FOR MORE INFORMATION Staff Contact: Chelsea Hartman Telephone: 541-682-5686 Staff E-Mail: <br />CC Agenda - Page 4