Parks and Natural Resources Vision Statement <br />River Road and Santa Clara celebrate a rich diversity of private and shared green <br />spaces, including parks for recreation, natural areas that support native plants and <br />wildlife, and farmland for food production. All residents have a clean, safe, <br />accessible and well-maintained park or recreation facility close to their home. <br />Residents have access to the Willamette River, which is celebrated as a natural <br />asset, a defining characteristic of both neighborhoods, and a statewide resource to <br />be protected for future generations. Natural assets, such as the tree canopy, soils <br />and the watershed, are highly valued and cared for as natural infrastructure that <br />enhances ecosystem health, provides opportunities for recreation, and supports the <br />working landscape. <br />Goal 7: Provide natural areas which are healthy, thriving spaces that provide <br />habitat for native species and function as natural infrastructure <br />7.1 Stormwater Conveyances: Enhance natural stormwater conveyances, including lesser waterways not <br />protected by Goal 5 or WQ regulations, to reduce pollution, increase infiltration, protect against flooding <br />and improve habitat through local land use regulations, incentives and programs. <br />7.1.1 Determine extent of surface waterway drainage system necessary for stormwater <br /> functions, considering future impacts of climate change. <br />7.1.2 Identify, protect and enhance waterways that are not currently protected: <br />• Public Easements - Identify location of easements and which easements are <br />protected by goal 5 or goal 6 (WQ) <br />• Pursue County adoption of Goal 5 and Goal 6 (WQ) protections for parcels inside <br />neighborhood boundaries <br />7.1.3 Enhance natural infrastructure of publicly owned stormwater waterways through <br /> selective revegetation with native plants <br />7.1.4 Create a program of tax incentives for private landowners of recognized stormwater <br /> conveyances who create long term natural infrastructure improvements. <br />7.1.5 Create a program to provide native plants free of charge to private landowners for <br />waterway revegetation of stormwater conveyances <br /> <br />7.2 Education: Educate the public about the interconnectedness of function and safety in our natural <br />stormwater system <br />7.2.1 Collaborate with the city for technical assistance in teaching appropriate vegetative <br />management of waterways through information sharing, demonstrations, and volunteer <br />opportunities on proximate waterways <br />7.2.2 Encourage and enable planting more trees through education of the value of mature <br /> tree canopy for multiple benefits of air quality, water quality, habitat, water <br /> temperature control, stormwater uptake and ambient temperature control <br />7.2.3 Teach value of “function stacking” in relation to waterways (better vegetation=better <br /> habitat=better water quality outcomes=better flood control) <br />7.2.4 Identify lots encumbered with waterways and work with the City to create informational <br />material that automatically gets sent to a property owner when the lot sells notifying <br />CC Agenda - Page 16