6.1.1 Plan for centralized electric vehicle charging stations in commercial areas. <br />6.1.2 Designate ride sharing pick up locations and create standards for ride sharing waiting areas <br />in commercial development. <br />6.1.3 Install Bike Share locations in River Road and Santa Clara. <br />6.1.4 Promote the use of IBikeEugene App. <br />6.2 Education and Youth Engagement: Educate current and future users of the transportation system <br />about active modes transportation options and transit. <br /> 6.2.1 Secure sustainable funding for bus passes for all students to schools in our districts. <br /> 6.2.2 Provide education and awareness programs and school-based transportation options (such <br />as Safe Routes to School). <br />6.3 Future Transportation needs: Support a transportation system that responds to the long term needs <br />of the River Road and Santa Clara areas <br /> 6.3.1 Conduct a “long term transportation needs analysis” for all major and minor arterial <br /> streets and collectors. <br />6.3.2 Require all large commercial spaces to conduct traffic impact analysis for permit issuance <br />based on the next 20-years anticipated traffic volume. <br />6.3.3 Consider reducing parking requirements for commercial areas if they meet criteria that <br />lower traffic impacts. <br />6.3.4 Autonomous vehicles: Encourage commercial areas to plan for future needs, including the <br />potential reduction of parking areas needed for customers. <br />6.4 Develop new street standards for application in River Road and Santa Clara. <br />6.4.1 Prohibit allowance of private streets in new developments. <br />6.4.2 Where feasible transition private streets to city or county public maintenance. <br />6.4.3 Amend Eugene and Lane County street classification systems and standards to include a <br />new lane standard for lanes typical in River Road and Santa Clara. <br /> <br /> <br />CC Agenda - Page 15