about existing waterway on the property and providing information about use <br />restrictions, setbacks, and best practices.. Materials tailored to individual or developer. <br />"waterways welcome wagon" <br />7.3 Habitat Corridors: Create new and enhance existing habitat corridors throughout River Road and <br />Santa Clara <br />7.3.1 Identify volunteers and funding to map existing habitat corridors, identify gaps in <br />connectivity, and catalogue present day baseline of species diversity. <br />7.4 Public Natural Areas: Provide natural areas, including the Willamette River Greenway, accessible to <br />all residents (may include public land not designated as parks) <br />7.4.1 Identify natural areas on public lands and collaborate with public agencies to manage <br />with ecological values in mind. <br />7.4.2 Minimize light pollution in natural areas through better lighting fixtures and more <br />sensitive placement. <br />7.4.3 Find stable funding for maintenance without the use of pesticides or herbicides. (this is <br />a priority!) <br />7.5 Tree canopy: Promote, conserve, protect and improve our urban forest, while flexibly <br />accommodating a diverse range of land ownerships, uses and activities <br />7.5.1 Preserve and increase street tree plantings wherever possible <br />7.5.2 Encourage planting of trees on private property through education and incentives, <br />collaborate with Friends of Trees (ie providing trees or some of the cost for trees). <br />Goal 8: Provide neighborhood access to recreational opportunities, parks, and <br />community centers <br />8.1 Parks Access and Maintenance: Plan for all residents have access to parks or publicly owned open <br />space within 1/2-mile walking distance <br />8.1.1 Continue to acquire neighborhood park spaces within ½ mile of all residents, and <br /> appropriately sized for relative to population density. <br />a.Within two years, identify and inventory good park sites in Santa Clara and (City <br />of Eugene) contact owners about possible sale. <br />8.1.2 Continue to develop, with neighborhood input, neighborhood parks already in park <br />inventory, but currently lacking amenities. Include facilities for children. <br />8.1.3 Include natural areas as part of neighborhood parks. <br />8.1.4 Create walking paths through natural areas. <br />8.1.5 Support plantings of fruit and nut trees in parks, specifically: along river path. <br />8.1.6 Purchase and develop an urban plaza for residents, perhaps at new Lane Transit District <br />transfer station site. <br />8.2 Connectivity: Improve connectivity between parks, natural areas and public open spaces <br />8.2.1 Pursue opportunities for purchase of land, easements, or other agreements for <br />connectivity <br />8.2.2 Continue the West Bank Multi Use Path northward through Santa Clara and beyond. <br />CC Agenda - Page 17