5.2.1 Build an EmX line or enhanced transit corridor for high volume streets with stops at active <br />commercial locations (Santa Clara Station included). <br />5.2.2 Promote addition of, or relocation of LTD transit stops especially at high-density <br />residential, commercial areas and schools. <br />5.2.3 Provide timely schedules for public transportation systems that are responsive to <br />residents’ needs. <br />5.2.4 Provide increased access and opportunities to transit for people with disabilities. <br />5.2.5 Pave bus stops to meet ADA standards. <br />5.3 Active Transportation to Commercial Centers: Develop active transportation networks that connect <br />neighborhoods to their adjacent commercial areas, schools and community gathering spaces. <br />5.3.1 Provide safe and accessible pedestrian walkways to active commercial areas and high <br />density residential developments. <br />5.3.2 Provide safe access from Division to Fred Meyer and Santa Clara Shopping Center to <br />make access effective and safe for all modes of transportation. <br />5.3.3 Install, enhance and maintain safe and secure bike parking at commercially developed <br />areas. <br />5.3.4 Encourage transit and active transportation opportunities for area farm stands, <br />particularly those north of the Urban Growth Boundary. <br />5.3.4 Provide city and county zoning that reflects the development and implementation of the <br />20-minute neighborhoods policy and encourage the design of commercial areas (through code <br />and design overlays) that support and prioritize active transportation access. (see Land Use for <br />details) <br />5.3.5 Enable more shared parking among adjacent businesses and reclaim unneeded spaces for <br />other pedestrian uses. <br /> <br />5.4 Traffic Management: Promote traffic regulations, enforcement and infrastructure improvements <br />that support safety objectives <br /> 5.4.1 Promote vehicle and pedestrian safety through enforcement of speed limits on River Road. <br /> 5.4.2 Work with city, county and state law enforcement agencies to monitor traffic flow during <br />peak hours. <br /> 5.4.3 Update signal timing for entirety of River Road. <br /> 5.4.4 Make entrance onto and off of NW Expressway safer while maintaining efficiency. <br />5.4.5 Reduce number of vehicular accesses to River Road by businesses by using shared <br />driveways or existing side street accesses. <br /> <br />Goal 6: Plan for a transportation system that is future oriented, environmentally <br />responsible and transitions to zero carbon <br />6.1 Zero Carbon: Transition transportation system toward zero carbon by prioritizing improvements <br />that support seamless connections for switching between modes, active transportation options, ride <br />sharing and electric vehicle use. <br />CC Agenda - Page 14