Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments <br />south of that extension of 18th Avenue. <br />Attachment A <br />(c) For the purposes of this subsection (2), the Willamette River Greenway is <br />defined as all lands within the adopted Willamette River Greenway Boundary <br />established by Resolution No. 2592, and the Willamette River Greenway Setback is that <br />area identified on the Willamette River Greenway Setback Map adopted as Exhibit X to <br />Ordinance No. XXXXX. <br />(ed) Exemptions. A proposed development shall be exempt from the requirements <br />of EC 9.6885(2) if any of the following apply: <br />1. Except as provided in subparagraphs 4. and 5., the area of the development <br />site is less than 20,000 square feet. <br />2. Except as provided in subparagraph 5., five or fewer significant trees exist <br />on the development site prior to development. <br />3. Except as provided in subparagraph 5., tThe development site is zoned R-2 <br />Medium- Density Residential, R-3 Limited High-Density Residential, R-4 High <br />Density Residential, GO General Office, C-2 Community Commercial, or C-3 <br />Major Commercial zones. <br />4. Notwithstanding subparagraph 1., development sites that include property <br />at or above 900 feet elevation are subject to the requirements of EC <br />9.6885(2), regardless of the area of the development site. <br />5. Notwithstanding subparagraphs 1. through 4. above, any portion of a <br />development site located within Willamette River Greenway Tree <br />Preservation Zones 1-3, as depicted on Figure 9.6885(2)(e), shall be subject <br />to the requirements of EC 9.6885(2). <br />(dje Tree Preservation Requirements. Unless adjusted per EC 9.8030(13), significant <br />trees must be preserved in accordance with the requirements of Table <br />9.6855(2)(dJe. Minimum preservation is based on the total existing Diameter <br />Breast Height (d.b.h.) of significant trees within each specific location category <br />prior to development. Maximum mitigation is the percentage of the minimum <br />preservation that may be mitigated according to subsection 2. below. <br />Table 9.6885(2)(ed) Tree Preservation and Mitigation <br />Location Category <br />Minimum <br />Preservation <br />Maximum <br />Mitigation <br />Outside the South Hills Area <br />40% <br />100% <br />Within the South Hills Area, between 500 feet and 900 feet elevation <br />50% <br />50% <br />Within the South Hills Area, at or above 900 feet elevation <br />50% <br />0% <br />Willamette River Greenway Tree Preservation Zone 1 (See Figure <br />50% <br />9.6885(2)(e)) <br />Willamette River Greenway Tree Preservation Zone 2 (See Figure <br />9.6885(2)(e)) <br />Draft: December 1, 2022 <br />Page 6 of 25 <br />Page 12 of 39 <br />