Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments <br />Attachment A <br />(1) Exemptions from Standards. The standards in this section do not apply to activities <br />regulated under EC 9.4900 through 9.4890, or an application for development activity <br />that includes or will result in: <br />(c) Land Use Approvals. Any tree removal on property subject to an approved <br />Ceonditional U44se Ppermit, Pplanned U44nit Ddevelopment, Ssite R-review, s-r <br />Ssubdivision, or Willamette River Gr, - t that includes a tree <br />removal/preservation plan or conditions related to tree removal or retention. In <br />those areas, that plan or city approved modifications thereto control tree <br />removal. This exemption does not apply to the removal of a street tree, which <br />must be authorized by a permit issued pursuant to EC 6.305. <br />(2) Tree Preservation and Removal Standards. The standards in this subsection apply <br />only to land use applications processed under EC 9.8100, EC 9.8325, EC 9.8445, a-Rd <br />EC 9.8520, and EC 9.8812. Unless exempt under subparagraph (bd) below, no permit <br />for a development activity subject to this section shall be approved until the <br />applicant demonstrates compliance with the standards in this subsection. <br />(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this subsection (2), the following definitions <br />apply: <br />1. Critical Root Zone (CRZ). That area surrounding a tree that has a radius of 12 <br />inches multiplied by the diameter breast height expressed in inches of the <br />tree trunk or trunks. <br />2. Tree Removal. To fell or sever a tree or to use any procedure the natural <br />result of which is to cause the death or substantial destruction of the tree. <br />Substantial destruction includes actions that destroy more than 20% of the <br />critical root zone of a tree, or topping, or severing the cambial material on <br />50% or more of the circumference of the tree trunk. Remove does not in any <br />context include those pruning standards as defined in the edition of <br />American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Section A300, Tree, Shrub and <br />Other Woody Plant Maintenance Standard Practices in effect at the time the <br />pruning occurs. <br />(b) For the purposes of this subsection (2), the South Hills Area is defined as all <br />property located within the City's adopted Urban Growth Boundary, above an <br />elevation of 500 feet, and: <br />1. South of 18th Avenue, <br />2. South of Franklin Boulevard and East of the intersection of 18th Avenue and <br />Agate Street, or <br />3. If 18th Avenue were extended from the intersection of 18th Avenue and <br />Willow Creek Road directly west to the Urban Growth Boundary, the area <br />Removal Standards, will be readopted and will take effect prior to the conclusion the Willamette Greenway Code <br />Amendments process. Therefore, the proposed changes for the Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments are <br />shown as changes to Tree Preservation and Removal Standards included in the C&0 Amendments. Purple text <br />represents code that is included the C&0 Amendments; red text shows changes made for the purposes of the <br />Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments. <br />Draft: December 1, 2022 <br />Page 5 of 25 <br />Page 11 of 39 <br />