Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments <br />Attachment A <br />Willamette Rig 100% <br />9.6885(2)(e)) <br />A Tree Preservation and Removal Plan is required except as provided in EC <br />9.6885(2)(ed) or EC 9.6885(2)(ed)3. The plan must be prepared by a certified <br />arborist, licensed landscape architect, licensed engineer, or licensed surveyor <br />and shall provide the following: <br />a. A table, organized by the location categories listed in Table <br />9.6885(2)(de), listing all significant trees on the development site and <br />including the following information for each listed tree: <br />(1) Diameter Breast Height (d.b.h.) <br />(2) Preservation, removal, or mitigation status <br />(3) Common name, genus and species <br />b. A site plan that includes the following information: <br />(1) The locations of all significant trees on the development site, the <br />Diameter Breast Height (d.b.h.) for each significant tree, whether <br />each significant tree is to be preserved, removed, or mitigated <br />according to EC 9.6885(2)(ed)2., and the location of the critical <br />root zone (CRZ) for each significant tree to be preserved. <br />(2) <br />The location of all existing and/or proposed public and private <br />utility easements, driveways, and areas of grading or excavation <br />on the development site. <br />(3) <br />The location of all existing development on the site as well as the <br />location of development proposed in the land use application <br />that triggers the requirement for a Tree Preservation and <br />Removal Plan. <br />(4) <br />Proposed lot or parcel boundaries. <br />(5) <br />For development sites with any portion located within the South <br />Hills Area, identification of areas at or above 500 feet elevation <br />and areas at or above 900 feet elevation. <br />c. A written statement from a certified arborist or licensed landscape <br />arch <br />itect that the Tree Preservation and Removal Plan meets EC <br />9.6885(2)(e4) Tree Preservation Requirements. If the Tree Preservation <br />and Removal Plan is prepared by a certified arborist or licensed <br />landscape architect, then the written statement otherwise required by <br />this subparagraph is not required. <br />2. Mitigation. An applicant may elect to mitigate a portion of the minimum <br />preservation of significant trees on the development site as provided below: <br />a. The maximum d.b.h. that can be mitigated shall be based on location <br />category as provided in Table EC 9.6885(2)(4e) Tree Preservation and <br />Mitigation. <br />b. Proposed subdivisions in areas outside of the South Hills Area and <br />outside of the Willamette River Greenway Boundary may mitigate up to <br />100% of the minimum tree preservation requirement by either: <br />(1) Providing that lots up to 7,000 square feet in area will contain a <br />minimum of two trees and lots 7,000 square feet or more will <br />contain a minimum of three trees; or, <br />Draft: December 1, 2022 <br />Page 7 of 25 <br />Page 13 of 39 <br />