• SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA COVER MEMO <br />Memorandum Date: February 23, 2024 <br />First Reading Date: February 27, 2024 <br />Second Reading/Joint Public Hearing: March 12, 2024 <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />DEPARTMENT: Public Works, Land Management Division, Planning Program <br />PRESENTED BY: Jared Bauder, Senior Planner, Lane County <br />Terri Harding, Principal Planner, City of Eugene <br />AGENDA ITEM TITLE: ORDINANCE NO. PA 1391 / IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING THE <br />EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN <br />AND ADOPTING THE RIVER ROAD -SANTA CLARA <br />NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN. (County File No.: 509-PA23-05532 / City <br />File No.: MA 23-5) <br />I. MOTION <br />March 12, 2024 URI Reading/Public Hearing): <br />1) Option 1: Move to approve the second reading and set a third reading on April 23, 2024 to <br />deliberate on Ordinance No. PA 1391 as presented; <br />2) Option 2: Move to approve the second reading, direct staff to revise the Ordinance to reflect <br />amendments made by the Eugene City Council and/or Board of Commissioners, and set a third <br />reading (date certain) and deliberations on the revised Ordinance; <br />OR <br />3) Option 3: Move to approve the second reading, set a third reading, and continue the public <br />hearing (date and time certain), and direct staff to revise Ordinance No. PA 1391 to reflect <br />amendments made by the Eugene City Council and/or Board of Commissioners (summarize <br />revisions). <br />II. RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends Option 1 above. <br />III. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br />Ordinance No. PA 1391 <br />File No. 509-PA23-05532 <br />Metro Plan Amendment <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />Memorandum Date: 2/23/2024 <br />1 st Reading: 2/27/2024 <br />2nd Reading and Joint Public Hearing: 3/12/2024 <br />