The Board is being asked to consider approval of an Ordinance to adopt amendments to The Eugene - <br />Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) for the purpose of adopting the River <br />Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan. On March 12. 2024, the Board is being asked to conduct a <br />Public Hearing jointly with the Eugene City Council. Previously on February 27, 2024, the Board <br />conducted a 1st Reading of Ordinance No. PA 1391 and held a Work Session. <br />Amendments to the Metro Plan must be reviewed and adopted by the Board of Commissioners (the <br />Board) for the regulation of lands between Eugene City Limits and the Eugene Urban Growth <br />Boundary, which are urbanizing areas subject to Lane Code Chapter 10. This proposal is in accordance <br />with the urban transition agreement made between Lane County and the City, which requires joint <br />development and adoption of Metro Plan amendments and land use regulations within the Eugene <br />urbanizing area. <br />IV. DISCUSSION <br />The purpose of this Supplemental Agenda Cover Memo is to ensure that the decision makers <br />(Board and City Council) have all the same information put before them leading up to the joint <br />public hearing and subsequent deliberation/action meetings. A full analysis of this proposal, along <br />with options for Board consideration and staff's recommendation can be found in the Agenda <br />Cover Memo from the February 27tt', 2024 1" Reading, hyperlinked here: https://cdnsm5- <br /> 3585797/File/Government/BCC/2024/2024 AG <br />ENDAS/022724agenda/T. I I .A.pdf <br />The components of the Lane County adoption package attached to this memorandum include <br />the Draft River Road- Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan and the Proposed Eugene -Springfield <br />Metropolitan Area General Plan Text Amendments. <br />The components of the City of Eugene adoption package include the Draft River Road Santa <br />Clara Neighborhood Plan, Proposed Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Text <br />Amendments, and the Proposed City of Eugene Land Use Code Amendments (neighborhood - <br />specific). <br />It is important to note that only the Eugene City Council will act on the proposed code amendments <br />because they will onlygpply to properties within Eugene's ci , limits. <br />V. ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment 1. City of Eugene Adoption Package Materials: Agenda Item Summary with Attachments <br />Ordinance No. PA 1391 <br />File No. 509-PA23-05532 <br />Metro Plan Amendment <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />Memorandum Date: 2/23/2024 <br />1 st Reading: 2/27/2024 <br />2nd Reading and Joint Public Hearing: 3/12/2024 <br />