Public Notices <br />Originally published at on 02/20/2024 <br />NOTICE OF JOINT PUBLIC HEARING <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br /> <br />Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners and the Eugene City <br />Council will conduct a joint Public Hearing using virtual meeting technology on Tuesday, <br />March 12, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. on the following proposed ordinances: <br />(City of Eugene) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD <br />METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN; ADOPTING THE RIVER ROAD-SANTA <br />CLARA NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />-and- <br />(City of Eugene) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 9.2160, 9.2161, 9.2170, <br />9.2740, 9.2741, 9.8010, AND 9.8030 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; ADDING MAPS <br />9.2161(11) AND 9.2170(3)(d) TO THAT CODE; AMENDING FIGURE 9.2170(4)(c)6. AND <br />MAP 9.8010 OF THAT CODE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />-and- <br />(Lane County) ORDINANCE NO. PA1391/ IN THE MATTER OF AMENDING THE <br />EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN AND ADOPTING THE <br />RIVER ROAD-SANTA CLARA NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN <br />The proposed ordinances that are the subject of this public hearing would amend the <br />Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to adopt the River Road- <br />Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan if adopted by the Eugene City Council and the Lane <br />County Board of Commissioners. The third proposed ordinance, which would only be <br />adopted by the Eugene City Council would implement neighborhood-specific land use <br />code amendments that would only apply within the River Road and Santa Clara <br />neighborhood boundaries and only to properties within city limits. <br />Applicable approval criteria include, but are not limited to: Sections 9.7735, and 9.8065, of <br />the Eugene Code; Chapter 12.300.30, of the Lane Code; and applicable State Law. <br />The proposed ordinances, prior meeting materials, and other documents related to the <br />proposed ordinances are available for inspection at no cost at Lane County’s Land <br />Management Division, located at 3050 N. Delta Hwy, Eugene, OR 97408, and at the City <br />of Eugene’s Permit and Information Center, located at 99 West 10th Avenue, Eugene, OR <br />97401. Materials related to the proposed ordinances are also available on the land use <br />application website: <br />file=MA-23-0005.