40166h.- <br />W171anning <br />NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL DECISION <br />July 28, 2017 <br />You are receiving this notice because you provided oral or written testimony during the City Council hearing <br />procedures or requested notice of the City Council's decision on the Eugene Urban Growth Boundary project. On <br />July 17, 2017, the Eugene City Council voted to approve Ordinance No. 20585, an ordinance establishing the <br />sufficiency of the City of Eugene's urban growth boundary ("UGB") for purposes of residential land. The City <br />Council's decision was final on July 24, 2017 (the date it was signed by the Mayor), but portions of it will take <br />effect only if the Lane County Board of Commissioners adopts a corresponding ordinance. The Lane County Board <br />of Commissioners is scheduled to consider such an action on August 8, 2017. If the Lane County Board of <br />Commissioners adopts the corresponding ordinance, another notice will be provided. <br />Ordinance No. 20585 includes: <br />• Amendments to the new comprehensive land use plan to adopt a "housing needs analysis" which <br />demonstrates that no land must be added to Eugene's UGB to meet the City's need for housing, and a new <br />inventory of Eugene's buildable lands for housing. <br />• Amendments to the regional comprehensive plan (the Metro Plan) to refer to this action. <br />• Amendments to the Eugene Land Use Code to increase the required minimum density from 10 to 13 <br />dwelling units per net acre on lots that are 0.5 acre or larger in the R-2 Medium Density Residential zone, <br />with some exceptions (e.g. housing for low income individuals). <br />To view the ordinance visit www.eugene-or.gov/cityrecorder. <br />For questions, contact: Heather O'Donnell, Senior Planner <br />Phone: 541-682-5488, E-mail: heather.m.odonnell@ci.eugene.or.us <br />For more information, please visit the following website: <br />http://www.eugene-or.gov/2987/Adopting-Our-Urban-Growth-Boundary <br />City of Eugene • 99 W. 10th Ave. • Eugene, OR 97401 • 541-682-5481 • 541-682-5572 Fax <br />www.eugene-or.gov/planning <br />