JANISCH Amy C <br />From: <br />GIOELLO Nick R <br />Sent: <br />Thursday, March 16, 2017 9:06 AM <br />To: <br />JANISCH Amy C <br />Subject: <br />FW: Public Process <br />Follow Up Flag: Follow up <br />Flag Status: Flagged <br />Amy, please add this to the Furtick Z 16-5 file in Ontrack. <br />From: Kathleen Dixon [mailto:kmdixon@comcast.net] <br />Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 3:50 PM <br />To: VINIS Lucy K <Lucy.K.Vinis@ci.eugene.or.us>; GIOELLO Nick R <Nick.R.Gioello@ci.eugene.or.us> <br />Cc: TAYLOR Betty L <Betty.L.Taylor@ci.eugene.or.us>; AIIen.Zelenka@ci.eugene.or.us; WOSTMANN Jan (SMTP) <br /><jw@efn.org>; Larry Weinerman <weinerman.larry@gmail.com>; Pat Holleran <holleran@shannontech.com> <br />Subject: Public Process <br />Re: Furtick Annexation TM 18-03-09-2 TL 500 (City has Z-16-0005) <br />This annexation request should be denied until the neighborhood has had adequate opportunity to weigh in on <br />something that has such a major impact on their properties. No one had received information about it at the <br />January 4, 2017 LHVC Neighborhood meeting when we told them we had recently received a notice dated <br />December 22, 2016 for a Don Furtick annexation. <br />It now appears it may also involve a zone change (and maybe the Obsidian Club next door) which <br />might involve the strip of land (TL 301) the Parks Department and EWEB held meetings with the neighborhood <br />over when they removed trees, explained their need to get water pressure to people up on Spring Bv., put in the <br />Park Trail and added signs and switchbacks to deter bikes. The same strip of land involved with Bauku Inc. and <br />the Phelps/Wood neighborhood lawsuit that decades ago the Road Advisory Board, the County Commissioners, <br />and the City Council all refused to allow and deemed too dangerous to go North off 30th into Laurel Hill <br />Valley, or the Fairmount or Laurelwood neighborhoods. They refused even temporary use of Central or Spring <br />Bv. due to the forested natural character of the Ridgeline, the narrow curved roads, the many variances granted <br />by the city, and how obviously dangerous it would be to add through traffic. It has been a part of the <br />Transportation Plan, the original LHVC Refinement Plan and others for decades. <br />This was a (Goal 5) forested conservation corridor used by wildlife between the Laurelwood Golf Course, the <br />Ridgeline, the Ribbon Trail, Hendrick's Park and the Laurel Hill Valley. If we're serious about Sustainability <br />and global warming why would we weaken the Refinement Plans put in place to protect the most beautiful and <br />important parts of our city? This area is the watershed <br />above the Willamette River and needs protection. <br />