Aft <br />Public Works <br />Engineering <br />Memorandum <br />Date: 5/16/16 <br />To: Scott Gillespie <br />From: Kevin Farthing <br />Subject: East Ridge Village/Transportation Infrastructure Improvements <br />Background: There is currently a proposed development in the South Hills of Eugene (first called Sun Blaze; <br />later changed to East Ridge Village) for which several land use conditions have been enacted so that there is <br />adequate access to the site, and that the development does not stress nearby transportation infrastructure. <br />These conditions came from the City of Eugene land use process, and include provisions from the Oregon <br />Department of Transportation (ODOT). <br />These provisions, in conjunction with the City of Eugene, and must be addressed prior to the project moving <br />forward. There are a total of three stages of the project, each with its own conditions. Attached to this memo is a <br />copy of Exhibit A of the Cooperative Improvement Agreement (CIA) 19131 between the City of Eugene, ODOT, <br />and the developer of East Ridge Village. The CIA outlines the needed infrastructure for the three stages of the <br />project; those stages, and their degree of completeness are detailed in the "Stages of East Ridge Village" <br />section of this memo. <br />Goal: The goal of this memo is to identify which land use conditions needed for the approval for the East Ridge <br />Village development have been met, so that the developer can know what still needs to be completed before <br />they can move forward to the next stage of the project. <br />Stages of East Ridge Village: As a condition of land use approval for the overall project, some of the nearby <br />transportation infrastructure must be upgraded to take into account an increase in traffic to the development, <br />and to bring the infrastructure up to current standards (for both the Oregon Department of Transportation and <br />the City of Eugene). The East Ridge Village (ERV) development has been broken up into three stages, each <br />with its separate conditions for improvement of the nearby transportation infrastructure. <br />Two things should be noted: the first is that subsequent project phases are dependent upon the completion of <br />the previous phases required infrastructure. The second thing of note is that due to the proximity of the project <br />to Interstate 5 (1-5), there are requirements that nearby transportation infrastructure near the site be upgraded, <br />thus necessitating the involvement of ODOT, in addition to the City of Eugene. <br />The following is a list of the Stage1 Requirements for the ERV; accompanying each of the items on the list is a <br />discussion if the condition has been met (see red text): <br />Realign and reconstruct Moon Mountain Drive to address safety concerns and provide for the future <br />realignment of Glenwood Drive and extension of Glenwood Blvd (Brackenfern). This work has been <br />completed. <br />City of Eugene • 99 E. Broadway, Ste. 400 • Eugene, OR 97401 • 541-682-5291 • 541-682-5032 Fax <br /> <br />