From:Hillary Kittleson <br />To:Eugene RR-SC Plan <br />Subject:River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan <br />Date:Sunday, April 14, 2024 7:16:08 AM <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Dear Mayor Vinis and Members of the City Council: <br /> <br />I am writing once more to encourage you to do the right thing by the (very patient) River Road <br />and Santa Clara neighborhoods: <br />· Adopt the code amendments as presented, as well as an additional one requiring <br />commercial on the ground floor of housing developments in the C-2 zone. <br />· Commit to a strong and focused effort to address parking issues in the neighborhood. <br /> <br />I would characterize the April 10, 2024 staff response to these requests as inadequate to the <br />legitimate and modest hopes of the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Regarding ground floor commercial, incentives have their place in the urban planning toolkit, <br />but do not replace minimum requirements to achieve neighborhood goals. I saw nothing in <br />the staff response that precludes requiring ground floor commercial; indeed, such a <br />requirement would enhance “climate friendly neighborhoods” since the argument can be <br />made that more intense housing developments along arterials would greatly benefit from <br />ready and walkable access to neighborhood commercial developments. <br /> <br />Regarding parking, the offer of an annual discussion is so weak as to be de-caffeinated. Surely, <br />the Council can make a stronger commitment to resolve this ongoing problem that affects <br />neighborhood quality of life. <br /> <br />Please support the adoption of the minimal code amendments as proposed, direct staff to <br />prepare neighborhood-specific amendments to the C2 Zone to require first floor commercial, <br />and commit to a more robust response to neighborhood parking concerns. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br />Hillary Kittleson <br />995 Elkay Drive <br />Eugene, OR 97404