• Costs: Costs associated with establishing and maintaining `Permit Parking Only' <br />zones in RR/SC would be the same as establishing and maintaining those in the <br />City - recuperated via the permit fee residents pay and the revenue from violations. <br />• Enforcement: the nature of enforcement in "Permit Parking Only" zones in RR/SC <br />is, like all this suggestion, open for discussion. City Parking Enforcement <br />currently schedules regular routes through all the existing "Permit Parking Only" <br />zones in the City, based on capacity and need. Enforcement in RR/SC could be the <br />same or could rely more on a complaint basis, or ...? Worth noting: City "No <br />Parking" signs are scattered throughout RR/SC and were recently installed in <br />`Howard Meadows.' Those signs are indicators the City already has a parking <br />enforcement presence in both neighborhoods. <br />• Community Organization involvement: RRCO and SCCO would have a major <br />role in this cross jurisdictional parking program. Each organization could establish <br />a `Development Outreach' committee - if they don't already have one - to review <br />Land Use applications and liaison with the potentially impacted neighbors. <br />o Community Organizations see Land -Use and Development applications <br />early on, so will have an early idea of the scope and potential impacts of <br />new developments. <br />o Community Organizations are invited to those `neighborhood meetings'— <br />where developers introduce their proposed project to the surrounding <br />neighbors. A representative from the Community Organizations would be <br />able to offer the neighbors valuable insight and perspective and could work <br />with them to secure a Permit -Parking zone — if one is applicable. <br />For example, and for your consideration: 100% of the unincorporated property -owners <br />along the 500 block of Rosewood Ave (LAR, adjacent to `Howard Meadows') recently <br />agreed that additional/repeated driving on and parking in their unimproved ROW would <br />be both dangerous and destructive. They unanimously approved a resolution to limit <br />parking in their Rosewood unimproved ROW to only those who have been given <br />permission to do so. They have purchased and will be posting "Parking By Permit Only" <br />signage in the near future. Without any formal enforcement mechanism in place - and no <br />desire to be enforcers — those neighbors will rely on education and prevention to fulfil <br />their responsibilities. <br />Thank you for considering our solution. We hope you recognize the simplicity and <br />inclusiveness of this opportunity and, after deliberation, move some version of it forward. <br />Sincerely and with appreciation for the good work both jurisdictions do for our collective <br />community. <br />Steve Norris, River Road <br />