Mayor, City Councilors and County Commissioners; 4-5-24 <br />Regarding the proposed `RR/SC Neighborhood Plan' and the goal of establishing a cross - <br />jurisdictional parking enforcement program: we (neighbors and I) have come up with a <br />collaborative solution for your consideration, outlined below. The solution would involve <br />a City/County Intergovernmental Agreement, minor amendments to an existing <br />Administrative Rule and the active participation of both Community Organizations. <br />The applicable Eugene Administrative Rule is R-5.040: "Residential Permit Parking Zone <br />Regulations." When we asked City staff about establishing such a permit -parking zone <br />along a County road in the River Road neighborhood the answer came back, not <br />surprisingly; `City doesn't enforce parking on County roads so there is no mechanism for <br />establishing such a zone.' The practical solution is to amend that narrative, allow <br />unincorporated property owners to apply for and the City to enforce residential -permit - <br />parking zones on unincorporated streets. We considered the following details and look <br />forward to hearing your thoughts on them and any other related issues that crop up. <br />• Step one: City and County agree a mechanism to address residential vehicle <br />parking on unincorporated streets has become a cross jurisdictional need, based on <br />the negative impacts our community is and will be experiencing from unregulated <br />vehicle parking. <br />• Amending Admin Rule R-5.040: besides adding language to include <br />unincorporated properties/streets, adding the following two `Approval Criteria' (R- <br />5.040 -F) is highly recommended: <br />o "Whether the street section(s) is classified "Local Access Road" (LAR)." <br />■ Many LARs in River Road and Santa Clara are, basically, shared <br />driveways. Unincorporated property owners who front LARs are <br />responsible for maintaining the safe condition and appearance of <br />their street and right-of-way (ROW). If a majority of property <br />owners along an LAR agree that having additional vehicles driving <br />on and parking in their ROW would be hazardous to safety and <br />property, they should have a codified mechanism to protect against <br />that happening. <br />o "Whether, and to what extent, the ROW is considered "Unimproved." <br />■ "Unimproved," in most cases, means the ROW is either landscaped <br />or gravel or bare soil or a combination of all three. Rarely are they <br />hard -surfaced or have curbs. Residents along unimproved ROW <br />fully understand the negative impacts regular parking on and driving <br />over unimproved ROW has. Worth noting: with the exception of <br />LARs, the City is the jurisdiction responsible for maintenance on <br />most County streets - and their ROWS - in RR/SC. <br />