From:Jolene Siemsen <br />To:Eugene RR-SC Plan <br />Subject:River Road Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan <br />Date:Monday, March 11, 2024 12:13:36 PM <br />Attachments:90.png <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Hello, <br />I am writing regarding upcoming decisions to be made on the River Road Santa <br />Clara Neighborhood Plan. <br />I have lived in River Road for almost 4 decades. Over the years I have served my <br />community in many capacities, on City led advisory committees, on the RRCO <br />board, and as a co-chair for the RRCO organization. <br />I urge you to approve recommendations made by the Planning Commission, <br />Eugene Planning staff and the Community Advisory Committee for code changes <br />which would reduce allowable building height in C-2 zoned parcels, and would <br />prevent new and expanded auto related businesses along the corridor. <br />For many reasons it is appropriate to reduce maximum building heights from 120 <br />feet to 65 feet for C-2 properties, especially those that are within the Willamette <br />Greenway and adjacent to R-1 residences. <br />Further, I support restrictions on new and expanded auto related businesses. We <br />need other types of services in River Road, not more used car lots and auto repair <br />facilities. <br />In addition, I support adding additional code changes that would require ground <br />floor retail/ commercial development for C-2 properties, creating additional <br />housing and mixed use type development. This is a smart planning move, <br />supported by my neighbors, and one that should have been made years ago! <br />Please see the article attached referencing The Montgomery, coming soon to the <br />downtown area. This is the sort of mixed use housing development we would love <br />to see along River Road! <br />And finally, please consider and address the parking problems that are certain to <br />develop as higher density Middle Housing is built in our neighborhoods. Ecco <br />Apartments and subsequent parking issues illustrate just how much of a problem <br />this will likely be. A near future development called Howard Meadows will <br />almost certainly create the same sorts of parking issues, creating unsafe streets <br />and neighbor conflict. <br />River Road is no longer the highway it was of yesteryear. These code changes <br />8