From:Peggy Coffman <br />To:Eugene RR-SC Plan <br />Subject:Citizen Comment on RRSCPlan <br />Date:Monday, March 11, 2024 3:02:40 PM <br />You don't often get email from Learn why this is important <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br /> <br />March 11, 2024 <br /> <br />Mayor Vinis, City Council, City Manager and County Commissioners: <br /> <br /> As a 37 years-long resident of the River Road neighborhood and as a daily <br />bicycle commuter for 27 years to my downtown work before retirement and <br />as an early participant in meetings making suggestions for the neighborhood <br />plan, I stand in strong support for the neighborhood plan recommendations <br />and requests made by the Citizen Advisory Committee for River Road/Santa <br />Clara Neighborhoods. I want to live in a neighborhood that is pedestrian <br />friendly and one that accommodates commercial and residential mixed-use. <br /> Although I am far from understanding the details of running City and <br />County government, I do trust the very hard working Citizen Advisory <br />Committee and, as they have done and do, I urge you to “adopt the <br />neighborhood plan, the action plan and the code amendments in total.” <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Peggy Coffman <br />1445 Elkay Drive <br /> <br />7