Amendments out to the community for feedback. <br />May -June 2023: A variety of outreach events and tools were offered in May and June, <br />including virtual information sessions, a community survey, River Road and Santa Clara <br />Community Organization meetings, and a Community Meeting held at North Eugene High <br />School. A project update was presented to the Eugene Planning Commission on May 23. <br />2023, and the Lane County Planning Commission on June 6, 2023. <br />July -August 2023: The project staff team assembled comments from the outreach and <br />shared them with the CAC. The comments at this stage in the process were generally <br />supportive, although some community priorities are not addressed by the current plan and <br />will require ongoing work by the City, County, and community partners. The CAC voted on <br />July 27, 2023 to move the revised adoption package forward to public hearings. The CAC <br />and community organization recommendation letters are included in Attachment F. <br />Formal Adoption Package <br />Based on the process described above, project staff refined the adoption package, including <br />assembling the Neighborhood Plan, drafting plan and code amendments, writing findings, and <br />summarizing the project's public engagement and technical analysis. <br />A complete adoption package was assembled for the City of Eugene and Lane County Planning <br />Commissions for review and recommendations, which occurred in Fall 2023. Components of the <br />adoption package are summarized in Attachment A. <br />The components of the Lane County adoption package attached to this AIS include: <br />• Attachment B: Ordinance No. PA1391/In the Matter of Amending the Eugene -Springfield <br />Metropolitan Area General Plan and Adopting the River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood <br />Plan. <br />The components of the City of Eugene adoption package attached to this AIS include: <br />• Attachment C: An Ordinance Amending the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General <br />Plan; Adopting the River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan; And Providing an Effective <br />Date. <br />Attachment D: An Ordinance Amending Sections 9.2160, 9.2161, 9.2170, 9.2740, 9.2741, <br />9.8010, and 9.8030 of the Eugene Code, 1971; Adding Maps 9.2161(11) and 9.2170(3)(d) <br />to that code; Amending Figure 9.2170(4)(c)6. and Map 9.8010 of that Code and Providing <br />an Effective Date. <br />Minor updates and clarifications have been made to the adoption package documents since the <br />Planning Commissions made their recommendations, such as updating dates, removing draft <br />stamps, and clarifying language. <br />Planning Commission Recommendations <br />The Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions held a Joint Public Hearing on October 17, <br />2023. The public hearing packet included a detailed summary of the proposed adoption package <br />components, project background, and other materials. <br />The Eugene Planning Commission deliberated at their November 14 and December 5, 2023 <br />March 12, 2024 JEO Public Hearing - Item 1 <br />CC Agenda Page 4 <br />