process. This work included past community and planning efforts, such as the Santa Clara -River <br />Road Outreach and Learning (SCRROL) and Santa Clara -River Road Implementation Planning <br />Team (SCRRIPT) projects. <br />Launched in Fall 2017, the neighborhood planning process was a collaborative effort among <br />RRCO, SCCO, the City of Eugene, Lane County, and other stakeholders throughout both <br />neighborhoods. The process had six phases: Reaching Out, Neighborhood Visioning, Neighborhood <br />Priorities, Policy Development, Action Planning, and Adoption, with opportunities for community <br />and stakeholder feedback throughout every phase. The Community Advisory Committee (CAC), <br />comprised of volunteers nominated by the community organization boards and approved by the <br />Eugene Planning Commission, played a key role in all phases of the project, and continues to <br />advocate for neighborhood priorities as the project moves through the adoption phase. <br />The neighborhood planning process created a vision for growth and development in a manner <br />that respects the area's unique characteristics and opportunities, which will guide decision- <br />making in River Road and Santa Clara for decades to come. The Neighborhood Plan vision is <br />consistent with Envision Eugene, the community vision for how growth is managed within <br />Eugene's Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), in a way that protects and enhances quality of life and <br />reflects shared community values, while tailoring the citywide vision to the local context. <br />The Neighborhood Plan focuses on the topic areas of Economic Development, Transportation, <br />Parks and Natural Resources, Land Use, and Community. To reflect the community values, <br />aspirations, and priorities expressed during outreach, each topic area includes vision statements, <br />goals, and policies. <br />The proposed County Ordinance amending the Metro Plan and adopting the River Road -Santa <br />Clara Neighborhood Plan is included as Attachment B. The proposed City Ordinance amending <br />the Metro Plan and adopting the River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan is included as <br />Attachment C. If approved, the proposed ordinances included as Attachments B and C to this AIS <br />would adopt the new River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan as a refinement of the Metro Plan <br />and would remove Chapter II Section F (River Road and Santa Clara Goals, Findings, and Policies) <br />from the Metro Plan, as these policies primarily relate to bringing sewer service to the River Road - <br />Santa Clara area and are no longer necessary. The proposed City ordinance amending the Eugene <br />Code is included as Attachment D to this AIS. If approved, together, these regulatory components <br />will work to form the framework for guiding policy decisions in River Road and Santa Clara. <br />In addition, City, County, and community partners may work together to advance actions <br />important to the community and included in the non -regulatory Action Plan. City staff committed <br />to meeting annually with neighborhood leaders to update community priorities and to collaborate <br />on implementation projects. <br />Over the past six years, highlights of the neighborhood planning public engagement have included: <br />• Project web gage and Engage Eugene page <br />• Periodic e -newsletter updates to 1,600+ people <br />• 5 community meetings at North Eugene High School <br />• 40+ Community Advisory Committee meetings <br />March 12, 2024 JEO Public Hearing - Item 1 <br />CC Agenda Page 2 <br />