AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br />December 5, 2023 <br />To: Eugene Planning Commission <br />From: Terri Harding, Principal Planner & Project Manager <br />Elena Domingo, Associate Planner <br />Subject: Deliberations: River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan and Metro Plan <br />Amendments and River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood -Specific <br />Code Amendments (City Files MA 23-5 and CA 23-3 & County File 509-PA23- <br />05532) <br />ACTION REQUESTED <br />At this work session, Planning Commission will continue deliberations on the proposed River <br />Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan adoption package. Staff will present revised materials <br />based on the direction given at the November 14, 2023 Planning Commission meeting. Planning <br />Commission may finish deliberations and form a recommendation to City Council at this <br />meeting. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The City of Eugene and Lane County have been working with the River Road Community <br />Organization (RRCO) and Santa Clara Community Organization (SCCO) since 2017 to create a <br />new Neighborhood Plan. After thorough community outreach, goal and policy development, <br />analysis, coordination, review cycles, and legal review, an adoption package has been <br />assembled and is proceeding through the public hearing process. The adoption package <br />consists of amendments to the Eugene Code that would establish River Road and Santa Clara <br />neighborhood -specific code standards as well as amendments to the Eugene -Springfield <br />Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to adopt a new River Road -Santa Clara <br />Neighborhood Plan and remove Chapter II Section F from the Metro Plan. <br />Previously, the proposed adoption package included repealing the 1987 River Road Santa Clara <br />Urban Facilities Plan. However, public testimony from multiple parties proposed keeping the <br />1987 Plan in place alongside the new Neighborhood Plan, and Planning Commission directed <br />staff to revise the adoption package accordingly. An updated summary of the revised adoption <br />package components is provided in Attachment A. <br />The October 17, 2023 public hearing packet includes a detailed summary of the proposed <br />adoption package components, project background, and other materials. The Planning <br />Commission record was originally held open for two weeks, through October 31, 2023 to allow <br />additional testimony, which has been provided to the Commission. At the November 14, 2023 <br />meeting, the Planning Commission reopened the record until November 28, 2023 at 9 pm. All <br />