5 <br /> <br />(a) Exceptions to the general minimum front and interior yard setback requirements <br />stated in Table 9.2170 Commercial Zone General Building Height and Setback Standards <br />are contained in: <br />1. EC 9.6745 Setbacks – Intrusions Permitted. <br />2. EC 9.6750 Special Setback Standards. <br />(b) Minimum Front Yard Setbacks. The minimum front yard setbacks stated in Table <br />9.2170 Commercial Zone General Building Height and Setback Standards, shall apply only <br />to new buildings and any building addition that increases the length of the building facade <br />facing a street, internal accessway, private drive, or shopping street as defined in EC <br />9.2175(3) by at least 100%. For purposes of this subsection, the front yard setback may be <br />measured from a front lot line abutting a public street or from the edge of the sidewalk <br />furthest from the curb of an internal accessway, private drive, or shopping street. In <br />addition, only the portion of the development site specifically affected by the new building <br />and any linear facade expansion of more than 100% are subject to the requirements of this <br />subsection. <br />1. The minimum front yard setback in C-2 and C-3 zones shall be landscaped to the <br />Basic Landscape Standard (L-1) in accordance with EC 9.6210(1), except for paved <br />pedestrian walkways, building entrances and enhanced pedestrian space. Vehicular <br />access connections and driveways to parking areas are also exempt from this <br />landscaping standard, but vehicle use areas are not otherwise allowed between the <br />building and the street within the minimum setback area. <br />2. In C-2, except for C-2 within the Downtown Plan Area as shown on Map 9.2161(6) <br />Downtown Plan Map, buildings and other structures with less than the minimum 5- <br />foot setback are allowed, and exempt from the minimum landscaping requirement in <br />this subsection, only for the following: <br />a. Ground floor commercial and other non-residential uses that provide a <br />minimum 10-foot ground floor ceiling height, and at least 60 percent of the street <br />facing ground-floor wall area consists of glazing, openings, display windows or <br />doorways. To meet this standard, the area of openings, glazing, display windows <br />and doorways must allow two-way visibility with a Visible Light Transmittance (VLT)