4 <br /> <br />(2) Application of Standards. In addition to applicable provisions contained elsewhere in this <br />land use code, the development standards listed in Table 9.2170 Commercial Zone <br />Development Standards shall apply to all development in commercial zones. <br />Table 9.2170 Commercial Zone General Building Height and Setback Standards <br /> C-1 C-2 C-3 GO <br />Building Height (See EC 9.2170(3) and EC 9.2170(13)) <br />Maximum Building Height 35 feet 120 feet 150 feet 50 feet <br />Setbacks (See EC 9.2170(4) and EC 9.2170(13)) <br />Minimum Front Yard Setback 10 feet 5 feet 3 feet 10 feet <br />Maximum Front Yard Setback 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet <br />Minimum Interior Yard Setback 0 feet to <br />10 feet <br />0 feet to <br />10 feet <br />0 feet 0 feet to <br />10 feet <br />(3) Building Height. <br />(a) Exceptions to the general height restrictions for commercial structures stated in Table <br />9.2170 Commercial Zone General Building Height and Setback Standards are contained in: <br />1. EC 9.6715 Height Limitation Areas. <br />2. EC 9.6720 Height Exemptions for Roof Structures and Architectural Features. <br />(b) Subject to the limitations in subsection (a) of this section, in the C-2 or C-3 zones, no <br />portion of a building located within 50 feet of a residential zone shall exceed the maximum <br />building height permitted in the abutting residential zone. <br />(c) Subject to the limitations in subsection (a) of this section, the maximum permitted <br />building height for main or accessory buildings in the GO zone shall not exceed 35 feet in <br />height within 50 feet of an abutting AG, R-1, or R-2 zone. Otherwise, main and accessory <br />building height maximums shall not exceed 50 feet. <br />(d) Subject to the limitations in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the maximum building <br />height for properties in the C-2 zone and located within the city limits of the City of Eugene <br />and within the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan Area as shown on Map 9.2161(11) <br />shall not exceed 60 feet. Also see EC 9.2170(13) for Transition Standards. <br />(4) Setbacks.