o Require buildings fronting River Road to provide a main entrance facing that street or to <br />the corner where River Road and another street intersect. <br />o Increase the minimum percentage of the street facing building fagade that must be <br />within the maximum front yard setback, from 25% to 80%. <br />o Require minimum percentage of windows along the ground floor of street facing facades <br />and prohibit blank walls of more than 20 linear feet of any fagade. <br />o Require weather protection features over all building entrances. <br />• In the C-2 Community Commercial Zone, prohibits the establishment of the following uses: <br />o Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental/Service, excluding recreational vehicles and heavy trucks <br />o Motorcycle Sales/Rental/Service <br />o Recreational Vehicles and Heavy Truck, Sales/Rental/Service . <br />o Agricultural Machinery Rental/Sales/Service <br />o Boat and Watercraft Sales/Service <br />o Equipment, Heavy, Rental/Sales/Service — includes truck and tractor sales <br />o Storage Facility, Household/Consumer Goods, enclosed <br />• In the R-1 Low Density Residential Zone, allows for the display and sale of agricultural products <br />grown offsite. <br />These proposed code amendments will only apply to properties located within the boundaries of the <br />River Road Community Organization and the Santa Clara Community Organization and within the city <br />limits of the City of Eugene. More information regarding the River Road -Santa Clara neighborhood <br />planning process, including the proposed code amendments, can be found at the project webpage: <br />http://riverroad-santaclaraplan.org/. <br />Procedures & Approval Criteria <br />Following the October 17, 2023, public hearing, the Eugene Planning Commission will deliberate and <br />make recommendations to the City Council about the proposed land use code amendments. The City <br />Council will then hold its own public hearing, and make the final decision on the proposed code <br />amendments. Separate notice of the City Council public hearing will be provided. City Council meeting <br />dates are not yet finalized, but the City Council is expected to consider these proposed code amendments <br />in early 2024. These land use code amendments will be processed using the Type V land use application <br />procedures in EC 9.7500-9.7560. The City Council will be the final local decision -maker on the application. <br />In making a recommendation on these proposed code amendments to the City Council, the Planning <br />Commission will address the relevant approval criteria from the Eugene Code (EC) at 9.8065. Testimony <br />and evidence submitted should be directed toward the applicable approval criteria from the Eugene Code <br />noted above, or other criteria in the City's adopted plans or land use regulations or applicable state law <br />that the person testifying believes to apply to the decision. <br />At the October 17, 2023, public hearing, both the Eugene Planning Commission and the Lane County <br />Planning Commission will also consider testimony on three additional land use actions related to the <br />proposed code amendments. Those proposed actions are: 1) adoption of a new neighborhood plan for <br />Measure 56 Mailed Notice: 09/15/2023 Page 2 of 4 <br />