<br />17 <br /> <br />RRCO and SCCO, the City of Eugene, Lane County, and other stakeholders throughout both <br />neighborhoods to create a vision for growth and development in a manner that respects the area’s <br />unique characteristics and opportunities, which will guide decision-making in River Road and Santa Clara <br />for decades to come. The process was guided by a project charter that outlined the decision-making <br />structure, and a public involvement plan that focused on community outreach. <br />Project Roles <br />Early in the neighborhood planning process, City and County staff worked with the RRCO and SCCO to <br />establish project roles and various technical and working groups. Some of these groups worked through <br />the duration of the planning process, while others formed for a specific purpose during a particular <br />phase. The roles of the primary groups included: <br />Community Organizations: RRCO and SCCO played an integral role in the development of the <br />Neighborhood Plan, through all phases of the project. But their role doesn’t end at adoption. Ongoing <br />implementation of the Neighborhood Plan will include continued collaboration between the City, <br />County, community partners, and the community organizations. <br />Project Management Team: The project management team consisted of the Community Advisory <br />Committee (CAC) co-chairs, one from River Road and one from Santa Clara, and City and County <br />Planning staff tasked with guiding the process, including coordination and communication with the <br />community and key stakeholders. <br />Community Advisory Committee (CAC): The CAC consisted of 11 voting members, with two alternates, <br />nominated by the RRCO and SCCO Boards and appointed by the Eugene Planning Commission to <br />represent the varied voices of the two communities. The CAC included both residents and property <br />owners, including a member representing areas outside Eugene’s UGB. Representatives from special <br />districts serving the community were also encouraged to participate in the process. The CAC committed <br />to creating a Neighborhood Plan, adopted by the City and County, to advance the community vision of <br />the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods while being consistent with Envision Eugene. The CAC <br />acted as a representative body for the two neighborhoods and strived to weigh the varied input from <br />residents, businesses, property owners, local appointed and elected officials, and RRCO and SCCO. The <br />CAC employed the following principles: <br />• Be prepared and able to act in a deliberative, considerate, and civil manner <br />• Respect diverse community demographics and varied interests <br />• Weigh the perspectives and input of the whole community <br />• Practice decision-making that places the needs and desires of the entire neighborhood first <br />The CAC participated in outreach efforts and Topic Area Working Groups and led development of vision <br />statements, goals, policies, and actions. The CAC worked collaboratively with staff to support the <br />Neighborhood Plan’s formal adoption process. The CAC made a final community recommendation, along <br />with RRCO and SCCO, on the Neighborhood Plan adoption package.