<br />16 <br /> <br />Published in 2006, “Eugene’s Historic River Road” document was the result of a year-long collaboration <br />between Historic Preservation Northwest, City of Eugene Planning staff, and members of the public. The <br />document was intended to assist in the preparation of City and County policies pertaining to the <br />identification and protection of historic resources in the area. <br />Initiated in 2007 and acknowledged by the Eugene Planning Commission in 2009, the Lower River Road <br />Concept Plan supported planning efforts for the Rasor Mixed-Use Center. Lower River Road was <br />identified in the regional transportation master plan, TransPlan (2001), as a potential area for mixed-use <br />redevelopment. This planning process brought diverse elements of the community together to propose <br />over thirty recommendations related to the vision for Lower River Road and to evaluate implementation <br />strategies related to sustainability, transportation, and land use. <br />Santa Clara-River Road Outreach and Learning (SCRROL) <br />RRCO and SCCO joined together in February 2011 on an <br />ambitious public outreach project to survey area residents and <br />identify priorities for the future development of both <br />neighborhoods. Known as the Santa Clara-River Road Outreach <br />and Learning (SCRROL) project, their mission statement was: To <br />develop a community-wide, shared knowledge about challenges <br />and opportunities in our growing and changing neighborhoods <br />that can inform collaborative decisions in the future. They <br />identified community priorities and facilitated community <br />dialogue on land use, governance, parks and recreation, and <br />transportation. This outreach work resulted in a Report and <br />Recommendations document that included key findings about <br />what was important to the neighborhood residents and a list of <br />recommendations. <br />Santa Clara-River Road Implementation Planning Team <br />(SCRRIPT) <br />SCRROL’s Report and Recommendations included a recommendation to form a new advocacy group <br />named the Santa Clara-River Road Implementation Planning Team (SCRRIPT), a task force to be <br />composed of River Road and Santa Clara representatives to work on common goals. SCRRIPT would <br />function similar to SCRROL but was created to be more proactive in advocating for specific solutions and <br />implementing the goals identified by SCRROL. <br />Throughout the SCRROL and SCRRIPT planning initiatives, the community organizations dedicated <br />countless volunteer hours in reaching out to and engaging neighbors. The results formed a foundation <br />for the Neighborhood Plan. <br />Developing the Neighborhood Plan <br />SCRRIPT and SCRROL, among other efforts by RRCO and SCCO, laid the foundation for the neighborhood <br />planning process. Launched in fall 2017, neighborhood planning was a collaborative effort among the