• Reduced Length of Building Facades <br />• Native Landscape Buffer Requirements Added <br />• Pedestrian Access Standards Mapping Updated <br />Second Public Hearing <br />The updated draft code and topics noted above were the subject of a second Planning <br />Commission public hearing held on January 10, 2023. At the public hearing, seven people <br />provided spoken testimony. Their comments touched on a variety of issues and concerns such <br />as the relationship between this project and the River Road - Santa Clara neighborhood <br />planning process, ensuring improved Greenway protections through this code amendment <br />process, protecting public access and existing park land, and requirements for native plantings <br />near the river. Following the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted to hold <br />the Planning Commission record open for additional written testimony through S:OOpm on <br />January 20, 2023. <br />Deliberations <br />At the last deliberations meeting held on January 24, 2023, the Planning Commission's <br />discussion was focused on several key topic areas, which were also addressed in more detail as <br />part of the previous agenda packet materials: <br />• Things the Proposed Code Amendments Will Not Do <br />• Relationship to River Road-Santa Clara (RRSC) Neighborhood Plan <br />• Statewide Planning Goal 5 and Goal 15 Relationship <br />• Other Related Development Standards (Stormwater, Building Height, etc.) <br />• Further Review of Proposed Tree Preservation Standards <br />• Native Landscape Buffer Requirements <br />• Pedestrian Access Standards & Mapping Updates <br />Several requests for additional information and further analysis arose as part of the discussion, <br />which are addressed by topic areas in a staff memo included as Attachment A. These topic <br />areas and related materials will be the focus of this deliberations meeting, leading toward a <br />possible recommendation on the proposed code amendments. The topic areas addressed in <br />the memo and related attachments include the following: <br />• Willamette River Greenway Permits - 15 Year History <br />• Landscape Buffer Dimension & Native Species <br />• Undeveloped and Partially Developed Properties Near the Riverfront Path System <br />• Public Access Points - Mapping and Related Standards <br />• Site Examples <br />Staff is also preparing draft findings to demonstrate compliance with the approval criteria for <br />the proposed code amendments, to be presented for review at a subsequent meeting <br />(tentatively scheduled on March 14, 2023) pending any further direction on whether additional <br />draft code revisions may be necessary before reaching a recommendation. The goal of this <br />deliberations meeting will be to identify any potential draft code revisions that may needed for <br />additional review, and to be addressed in the draft findings. <br />Page 4 of 65 <br />