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Public Notice 12.07.2022
CA 22-1
Public Notice 12.07.2022
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Last modified
12/11/2022 4:06:47 PM
Creation date
12/9/2022 10:36:59 AM
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Willamette River Greenway Code Amendments
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Public Notice
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standards or choose to proceed using the City's discretionary Willamette River Greenway standards, <br />located in Sections 9.8800-9.8825 of the Eugene Code (EC). The proposed code amendments will not <br />change the adopted Willamette River Greenway Boundary. <br />More information regarding the Willamette River Greenway Code Amendment project, including the <br />updated draft code and a summary of key changes since the first public hearing can be found here: <br /> <br />Procedures & Approval Criteria <br />These land use code amendments are being processed using the Type V land use application procedures <br />in EC 9.7500-9.7560. Following this second public hearing, the Planning Commission will hold additional <br />meetings to deliberate and make a recommendation to the City Council on the proposed code <br />amendments. The City Council then will hold a another public hearing, prior to their deliberations and a <br />final local decision. Separate notice of the City Council public hearing will be provided. In making a <br />recommendation on these proposed code amendments to the City Council, the Planning Commission will <br />address the relevant approval criteria for code amendments at EC 9.8065. Testimony and evidence <br />submitted should be directed toward the applicable approval criteria from the Eugene Code noted above, <br />or other criteria in the City's adopted plans or land use regulations or applicable state law that the person <br />testifying believes to apply to the decision. <br />How to Submit Testimony to the Planning Commission <br />➢ Send a written statement to the Planning Commission, c/o Jeff Gepper, Planning Division, 99 W. <br />10th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 or by e-mail To be <br />included in the Planning Commission's packet for the public hearing on January 10th your statement <br />must be received by staff no later than 5pm on January 2nd, 2023. <br />➢ Submit a written statement to the address or email above after January 2nd, 2023, but before the <br />Planning Commission closes the public hearing. The Planning Commission will have less time to read <br />written material submitted after January 2nd prior to taking action on the request and forwarding <br />their recommendation to the City Council. <br />➢ Attend the public hearing on January 10th, 2023 and provide spoken testimony. Your spoken <br />testimony will be recorded. Instructions for providing testimony during the virtual public hearing <br />will be provided during the hearing. The Planning Commission may limit the time for each speaker <br />to a few minutes. You are encouraged to submit written testimony prior to the close of the public <br />hearing if you have detailed comments you wish to make. <br />All public testimony received by the Planning Commission will be forwarded to the City Council. Any <br />testimony received following the Planning Commission's recommendation will be forwarded to the City <br />Council. As noted above, the City Council will hold a subsequent public hearing following the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation before any final action is taken on the request. <br />Mailed Notice: 12/07/2022 <br />
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