Technology *0 <br />Associates <br />simulations have been to provide the new tower design and landscaping with a very high <br />degree of accuracy. Att. 2. <br />8. The supplemental noise report has notes that make it difficult to read. Please clarify <br />the generator noise level, as the written statement seems to rely on our citywide noise <br />standards. <br />What would be the noise generation if all facilities were underground? It would be <br />helpful to show a comparison, tojustify a variance to undergrounding. <br />RESPONSE: Because the proposed generator would run for such a short amount of time during <br />daytime hours, it would not be considered a noise disturbance under the code even if the noise <br />level briefly exceeds 45 dBA. (Per Matt Denberg, City of Eugene Code Compliance, Oct. 22, <br />2014. See generally, EC 6.756(6).) However, to minimize the noise levels from the generator, it <br />would be enclosed within the sound-baffled equipment shelter and the Engineer stated in a <br />March 26, 2015 conversation, that additional noise control can be added to assure that all <br />substantial offsite impacts have been mitigated and that the 45dBA noise level at the property <br />lines is achieved. <br />Because testimony at hearing will demonstrate that the emergency generator cannot be safely <br />placed underground and because the criteria for a variance from that requirement have been <br />met, the Applicant is not proposing an underground alternative. The proposed design is fully <br />enclosed with additional sound baffling. Please see revised drawings and photosims, Att.1 and <br />Att. 2. <br />9. <br />10. Signature of the property owner(s) on the application <br />form or a statement from the property owner(s) <br />granting authorization to proceed with development <br />permit and land use processes; <br />Please verify that the person who signed the application form is the property owner or <br />has the authority to sign on behalf of the property owner. <br />7117 SW Beveland Street, Suite 101 <br />Tigard, OR 97223 <br />(323) 559-4103 <br />Email: <br /> <br />