From:BELSON Sandy <br />To:HANSEN Alissa H <br />Subject:RE: Metro Plan Amendment Notice: River Road Santa Clara <br />Date:Monday, October 9, 2023 8:40:46 AM <br />[EXTERNAL ] <br />Good morning Alissa, <br /> <br />Springfield agrees that these amendments should go through a Type II Metro Plan amendment <br />process. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Sandy Belson <br />Comprehensive Planning Manager <br />Community Development Division <br />225 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 <br />541-736-7135 <br /> <br />Please let me know if you need information provided in another format. The City’s accessibility statement may be <br />seen at <br /> <br />From: HANSEN Alissa H <> <br />Sent: Friday, October 6, 2023 2:38 PM <br />To: BELSON Sandy <> <br />Subject: Metro Plan Amendment Notice: River Road Santa Clara <br /> **| WARNING: This email originated from outside of your organization. Please do notclick on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. |** <br />Hi Sandy- <br /> <br />As you know, Eugene has begun the adoption process for a new proposed neighborhood plan <br />for the River Road-Santa Clara area. The proposed adoption package includes amendments to <br /> the Metro Plan to remove the River Road-Santa Clara area-specific policies from that plan and <br />to repeal the 1987 River Road Santa Urban Facilities Plan via a Type II Metro Plan amendment, <br />which would require approval by Eugene and Lane County. Eugene believes that a Type II <br />Metro Plan amendment process for this proposed adoption package is consistent with the <br />Metro Plan amendment process adopted by Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County and <br />included in the Metro Plan itself. Although Eugene staff previously mailed notice to <br />Springfield about these amendments and the upcoming hearings process with Lane County, <br />consistent with the notice requirements for a Type II amendment, I wanted to reach out again <br />to confirm with you that Springfield does not object to the use of a Type II process for these <br />amendments. Thank you.