1 <br /> <br />Proposed River Road/Santa Clara Neighborhood-Specific <br />Land Use Code Amendments <br /> <br />Version date: September 28, 2023 <br />Additions are in bold italic <br />Deletions are in [bracketed strikeout] <br />9.2160 Commercial Zone – Land Use and Permit Requirements. <br />The following Table 9.2160 Commercial Zone Land Uses and Permit Requirements identifies <br />those uses in Commercial Zones that are: <br />(P) Permitted. <br />(SR) Permitted, subject to an approved site review plan or an approved final planned unit development. <br />(C) Subject to a conditional use permit or an approved final planned unit development. <br />(S) Permitted, subject to the Special Development Standards for Certain Uses beginning at EC 9.5000. <br />(#) The numbers in ( ) in the table are uses that have special use limitations described in EC 9.2161. <br />Examples shown in Table 9.2160 are for informational purposes, and are not exclusive. Table <br />9.2160 does not indicate uses subject to Standards Review. Applicability of Standards Review <br />procedures is set out at EC 9.8465. <br />Table 9.2160 Commercial Zone Land Uses and Permit Requirements <br /> C-1 C-2 C-3 GO <br /> <br />Motor Vehicle Related Uses <br />Car Wash P C <br />Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental/Service, excluding recreational <br />vehicles and heavy trucks <br /> P(11) C <br />Motorcycle Sales/Rental/Service P(11) C