HANSEN Alissa H <br />From: SELSER Lindsay R <br />Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 5:40 PM <br />To: HANSEN Alissa H; HOSTICK Robin A <br />Subject: FW: Late breaking info on RRCO survey on SDCs <br />Attachments: River Road Community Organization SDU Surveu.docx <br />FYI <br />From: Jon Belcher <Jbelcher@efn.org> <br />Sent: Monday, June 11, 2018 10:51 AM <br />To: *Eugene Mayor, City Council, and City Manager <mayorcouncilandcitymanager@ci.eugene.or.us> <br />Subject: Late breaking info on RRCO survey on SDCs <br />My apologies for the late notice but this may be helpful in your discussion on changes in code for SDUs <br />Here is the survey River Road Community Organization (RRCO) sent out to be used as part of an upcoming <br />general meeting discussion on SDUs. Please note that the River Road and Santa Clara Community <br />Organizations have un-annexed properties and the County Commission will be considering separate changes <br />for them (hence questions 2 & 3). <br />The survey was sent to RRCO's email list and posted to our FaceBook Page and to the NextDoor groups <br />located in River Road. 68 responses were received from more than 2000 potential responders. Also note there <br />was no check on multiple responses or from those outside the Neighborhood. <br />The invitation to participate. <br />Secondary Dwelling Units in River Road - Neighborhood Meeting Topic and SURVEY. <br />Secondary Dwelling Units (also called Granny Flats and Accessory Dwelling Units) have become a hot issue <br />for both the City of Eugene and Lane County. The changes they adopt can help meet the need for about 4,000 <br />additional people in River Road/Santa Clara over the next 20 years (extrapolated from our area and Envision <br />Eugene growth estimates). They could also affect how you and your neighbors use your property. <br />Senate Bill 1051 requires both Lane County and Eugene to adopt changes to how they permit the construction <br />of SDUs. Some changes are already being considered by the Eugene City Council. On June 27th, The Lane <br />County Commission will be considering changes recommended by their Planning Commission. <br />To inform neighbors and to gather your opinions the River Road Community Organization will focus our <br />Monday June 11th general meeting on the subject. Come join us at 7 PM at 1055 River Road to learn more, <br />take part in the discussion and weighing of potential positions. <br />