Lane County Ordinance <br />Residential Land <br />BEFORE THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF LAME COUNTY, OREGON <br />ORDINANCE NO: PA 1347 <br />follows: <br />IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING AN <br />ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE <br />SUFFICIENCY OF THE EUGENE URBAN <br />GROWTH BOUNDARY FOR PURPOSES <br />OF RESIDENTIAL LAND NEEDS BY <br />MAKING A TEXT AMENDMENT TO THE <br />EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN <br />AREA GENERAL PLAN; AND AMENDING <br />TEXT AND ADOPTING AN APPENDIX TO <br />THE ENVISION (EUGENE <br />COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, <br />WHEREAS, historically, the urban growth boundary ("UGB") for the City of Eugene and <br />the City of Springfield was a shared UGB, referred to as the "Metropolitan UGB," within <br />which Eugene's jurisdictional area of responsibility was the land on the west side of <br />Interstate 5 and Springfield's jurisdictional area of responsibility was the land on the east <br />side of Interstate 5; and <br />WHEREAS, House Bill 3337, passed by the Oregon State Legislature in 2007 and codified <br />at ORS 197.304, provides: "Notwithstanding an intergovernmental agreement... or <br />acknowledged comprehensive plan provisions to the contrary, a city within Lane County <br />that has a population of 50,000 or more within its boundaries shall„ separately, from any <br />other city: (a) Establish an urban growth boundary, consistent with the jurisdictional area <br />of responsibility specified in the acknowledged comprehensive plan; and (b) Demonstrate„ <br />as required by ORS 197.295" that its comprehensive plan provides sufficient buildable <br />lands within an urban growth boundary established pursuant, to statewide plannung goals <br />to accommodate estimated housing needs for 20 years.";: and <br />WHEREAS, in 2011 the City of Springfield and Lane County took actions that established <br />the Springfield UGB by adopting a division of the Metropolitan UGB along Interstate 5, <br />with the land east of Interstate 5 thereafter included in the Springfield UGB and the <br />remainder land on the west of Interstate to be included in a UGB for Eugene; and <br />WHEREAS, as part of the adoption of ordinances addressing the City of Eugene's need <br />for employment, park and school land, the City of Eugene and Lane County have <br />established the Eugene UGB, including an expansion of the UGB; and <br />WHEREAS, past studies pertaining to the residential land supply within the, now obsolete, <br />Metropolitan UGB (i.e, 'the 1999 Supply and Demand Technical Analysis and the 1999 <br />Site Inventory Document) are no longer applicable and new studies pertaining to the <br />Eugene UGB are required by ORS 197.304. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the Board' of County Commissioners of Lane County ORDAINS as <br />1. The goals and polices in the Eugene-Spiringfield Metropolitan Area General Plan <br />("Metro Plan") Residential Land Use and Housing Element continue to apply in the <br />area located outside the Eugene City Limits and within the Eugene Urban Growth <br />Ordinance - Page 1 of 3 May 2017 <br />