AG~ <br />ARNOLD GALLAGH R <br />ATT-oRNGYs AT LAW <br />A PR()FFSSIONALC ORPORA"I ON <br />Micheal M. Reeder <br />mreed cr@arnoldgallagher.corn <br />541-484-0188 <br />June 27, 2017 <br />Eugene City Council <br />c/o Planning Division/ Envision Eugene Team <br />99 West 101h Avenue <br />Eugene, Oregon 97401 <br />cnviisi0neuge3.t C--- .eugcne.c> <br />Lane County Board of Commissioners <br />c/o Lydia McKinney <br />1050 North Delta Highway <br />Eugene, Oregon 97408 <br />1- di:z.s.mckintic, a)colarlc.or.Lis <br />Re: Envision Eugene/Urban Growth Boundary/Urban Reserves Planning <br />City Files: CA 17-1, MA 17-1, RA 17-1, `L 17-2 <br />Willow Creek Hills/DAG Trusts Partnership Property <br />Dear Eugene City Councilors and Lane County Commissioners: <br />I represent Joe Gonyea, III and his Gonyea Family partners who own the DAG <br />Trusts Partnership property (the "Willow Creek Hills Property" or the "Property") in west <br />Eugene in the Crow Road area. <br />The Willow Creek Hills Property consists of 76 acres located within the City of <br />Eugene urban growth boundary ("UGB") and is also within the corporate limits of the City <br />of Eugene, identified as Map 17-04-32-00, Tax Lots 1500, 1501 and 1503, and approximately <br />205 acres immediately to the south that is currently outside the City limits and UGB, <br />identified as Map 18-04-05-00, Tax Lots 101, 2300 and 5000. Please see the attached maps <br />for context. <br />The purposes of this letter are: (1) to support the Planning Commission's <br />recommendations that you, as the joint governing bodies, adopt the UGB package <br />presented, (2) to urge you to support the City's commitment to Urban Reserves Planning <br />that will ultimately provide a path to expanding the UGB for residential in the near future, <br />and (3) to consider including the Willow Creek Hills into the Urban Reserves area and the <br />UGB in the near future. Please include this letter into the record along with its attachments. <br />800 Willamette Street - Suite 800 - Eugene, OR 97401 - P: 541-484.0188 - F: 541.484.0536 <br /> - Correspondence: P.O. Box 1758 - Eugene, OR 97440.1758 <br />