Notice of Land Use Decision <br />Date: May 19, 2017 <br />Location: Near the eastern terminus of East 43rd Avenue <br />File Name/Number: Wendell Canyon Subdivision (ST 17-4) <br />On May 18, 2017, the Eugene Planning Director conditionally approved a Needed Housing-Tentative Subdivision to <br />create 9 lots and construct a public street. <br />A copy of the application, decision, all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and appli- <br />cable criteria are available for review at the Planning Division and may be obtained at a reasonable cost. This notice, <br />the Planning Director's decision, application materials, and general information about the land use application pro- <br />cess and criteria may be accessed by visiting <br />Any person who is adversely affected or aggrieved by this decision, or who is mailed this written notice, may appeal <br />the decision and pay an appeal fee in accordance with procedures listed in Section 9.7605 of the Eugene Code. The <br />Planning Director's decision will not become final until the 12 day period for filing a local appeal has expired. In this <br />case, any appeal must be received by 5 p.m. on May 31, 2017. Appeal procedures, forms, and fee information are <br />available at the City's Permit and Information Center or on our web site. In accordance with Section 9.7055 of the <br />Eugene Code, the Eugene Hearings Official will consider any appeals of this land use decision. The approval cannot <br />be appealed directly to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). <br />For additional information, contact: Althea Sullivan, Assistant Planner <br />Phone: 541-682-5282 E-ma 0: <br />Notice of Dec/`~ ►0ailed. <br />licant and <br />Full decision sent to app <br />J <br />applicant's representaty~ e. <br />