JANISCH Amy C <br />From: Eugene Envision Eugene <br />Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 4:50 PM <br />To: JANISCH Amy C <br />Subject: FW: UGB Testimony <br />Follow Up Flag: Follow up <br />Flag Status: Flagged <br />Categories: Historic <br />FYI <br />From: Ron-Janet Bevirt [mailto:beznys@gmail.com] <br />Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2017 1:42 PM <br />To: Eugene Envision Eugene <EnvisionEugene@ci.eugene.or.us> <br />Subject: UGB Testimony <br />To Whom It May Concern: <br />I keep hearing at different City meetings, that some major problems are the unhoused, the lack of affordable and <br />reasonably-priced family housing. Yet the City's staff proposal does not address how density projections <br />will be achieved with Affordable and Family-Friendly Housing. <br />In-fill creates major problems. Portland is struggling with their over-development, the resulting unreasonable <br />rents, the homelessness population, and the consequences of increased traffic congestion, etc. We need to learn <br />from Portland's (and other cities) mistakes and avoid a repetition of these over-growth problems. <br />What is needed is reasonable site-specific development and growth that fits an existing neighborhood. <br />The Zoning Codes for Commercial next to Residential need to be revised. Refinement plans need to address <br />these problems and be implemented in the established neighborhoods. <br />It's inequitable and unfair to destroy older neighborhoods, displace people and long-standing businesses, <br />because the cost of new construction will always produce increased rents. Gardens, privacy/space and solar <br />access make for healthy people and a thriving society. Streets need to be safe and keep traffic flowing without <br />congestion. Developers need to be accountable for their traffic impacts when adding density. <br />This UGB proposal is designed to financially assist the developers and denigrates the desirable qualities of <br />existing neighborhoods. Mindless infill really does nothing to help the citizens that live in Eugene near such <br />projects. <br />The City has a 50-year urban land reserve within the UGB. <br />Respect the 5th Pillar in Envision Eugene to: "Protect, Repair and Enhance Neighborhood Livability." <br />