JANISCH Amy C <br />Subject: FW: March 8 meeting <br />From: dodson7487@comcast.net [mailto:dodson7487@comcast.net] <br />Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2017 6:37 PM <br />To: GIOELLO Nick R <Nick.R.Gioello@cLeugene.or.us> <br />Subject: March 8 meeting <br />Nick Gioello, Associate Planner <br />Dear Sir, <br />I am unable to attend the March 8 hearing due to a work commitment in Portland that cannot be <br />changed. It's frustrating not to be able to go, to get accurate information. Nonetheless, I will send <br />this email explaining some of my questions and concerns. <br />First, I wish that the notice had been longer, so that I could have made different work <br />arrangements. <br />I live at 2285 East 29th Avenue, just to the north of the Obsidians Lodge. As I understand it, <br />there is a driveway easement coming off the Furtick property that would enter Central Blvd just a <br />few feet from my property. Naturally I have some concerns about the amount of traffic that <br />might be added to the present, as Spring Blvd is already quite a challenge at times, full of <br />potholes and very narrow. A driver regularly must stop ahead of a narrow spot to allow for <br />oncoming traffic to pass, especially when there is a large vehicle such as delivery or garbage <br />truck, home maintenance vehicle with trailer, school bus or other large vehicle. (The street is <br />infamous among my visitors.) <br />In addition to the car traffic, Spring Blvd is a designated bicycle route all the way from <br />Fairmount Blvd, up the path to the west of the starred property to 30th Avenue. That bicycle <br />traffic also makes driving more challenging, and I believe that there was a small accident earlier <br />this year. <br />In addition to vehicular traffic, Spring Blvd. seems to be a main access to the Ribbon Trail. <br />Though it was stated as "local traffic only," that term seems to be quite broad, and people don't <br />seem to recognize that there is parking at the 30th Ave trailhead. It is virtually impossible to <br />drive along Spring without encountering someone who is walking a dog or running toward or <br />from the trail. <br />