JANISCH Amy C <br />From: Eugene Envision Eugene <br />Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 11:33 AM <br />To: JANISCH Amy C <br />Subject: FW: urban growth boundary and housing <br />Follow Up Flag: Follow up <br />Flag Status: Flagged <br />For the record... <br />From: HANSEN Alissa H <br />Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 9:33 AM <br />To: Eugene Envision Eugene <EnvisionEugene@ci.eugene.or.us> <br />Subject: FW: urban growth boundary and housing <br />From: Gyl Elliott [mailto:gyllie96@vahoo.com] <br />Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 9:16 AM <br />To: HANSEN Alissa H <Alissa.H.Hansen@ci.eugene.or.us> <br />Subject: urban growth boundary and housing <br />I attended a presentation about the ugb and have some concerns. <br />First, I think it is shortsighted and irresponsible planning when the city has no regulations in place to limit short <br />term rentals. Currently, Eugene has over 700 short term rentals in operation. The city requires only a simple <br />registration in order to collect lodging tax. There are no health or safety requirements, no site inspections and no <br />consideration for parking and neighborhood safety. <br />All other major cities in Oregon have regulations in place. In fact, several cities prohibit short term rentals in <br />residential areas. <br />No matter how much new housing you plan for, management companies will be able to buy it all up for short <br />term rentals because we have no regulations in place to prevent it. <br />I look forward to discussing this issue with your department. I urge you to recommend that the City Council <br />adopt a policy to protect our neighborhoods and housing. <br />Sincerely, <br />Gyl Elliott <br />2625 Capital Drive <br />Eugene, OR <br />541-232-7592 <br />Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android <br />