TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS <br />PUBLIC WORKS REFERRAL RESPONSE <br />DATE: JANUARY 9, 2017 <br />TO: ERIK BERG-JOHANSEN <br />FROM: SCOTT GILLESPIE <br />APPLICATION: TIA 16-07 AMAZON CORNER REFERRAL <br />The following referral comments from Public Works staff reflect a preliminary <br />evaluation of compliance with applicable approval standards and criteria. These referral <br />comments include draft findings and recommended conditions of approval, as well as <br />related informational items, relevant to surveying, engineering, transportation, and <br />maintenance issues identified by Public Works staff in the context of the applicable <br />standards and criteria. <br />These referral comments are intended for review by Planning staff, for incorporation into <br />the City's written decision on the subject application, however, they do not represent a <br />final determination of compliance with the applicable approval standards and criteria. It <br />is acknowledged that these referral comments are subject to revision upon further <br />coordination with other affected City departments and utility providers. <br />Staff recommends approval of this application with conditions noted herein. <br />EC 9.8670 Applicability. Traffic Impact Analysis Review is required when one of the <br />following conditions exist: <br />(1) The development will generate 100 or more vehicle trips during any peak <br />hour as determined by using the most recent edition of the Institute of <br />Transportation Engineer's Trip Generation . In developments <br />involving a land division, the peak hour trips shall he calculated based on the <br />likely development that will occur on all lots resulting from the land division. <br />The Development is proposed to generate 157 AM peak hour trips and 150 PM peak hour <br />trips. The applicants engineer determined trip generation rates using the most recent <br />Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual (9th Edition). The proposed <br />PM peak hour trip generation exceeds the 100 trip threshold established by EC 9.8670(l). <br />Therefore this criterion applies and Traffic Impact Analyses is required. <br />