Laurel Dill Valley Citizens <br />2480 Laurel Hill Drive • Eugene, OR 97403 • 541.729.4271 <br /> <br />September 9, 2015 <br />Mr. Fred Wilson, Hearings Official <br />c/o Gabriel Flock <br />Planning <br />City of Eugene <br />99 West 10th Ave. <br />Eugene OR 97401 <br />Re: Z-15-005 - Laurel Hill Valley Citizen's Association Response Addendum <br />Dear Mr. Wilson: <br />This letter is a short response to the letter submitted into the record earlier today by <br />Rick Satre. Mr. Satre lists several perceived short-comings of one of our maps <br />LHVC has submitted six maps in total into the record: <br />1. LCOG "Unofficial Map of the Metro Plan Diagram" <br />2. LHVC Sheet 9/2/15-01: Overlay of Applicant's Sheet ZC-2 onto ZC-3 <br />3. LHVC Sheet 9/2/15-02: Overlay of Applicant's Sheet ZC-2 onto ZC-3 to True North <br />4. LHVC Sheet 9/2/15-03: Overlay of Applicant's Sheet ZC-2 onto hi-res scanned MPD. <br />5. LHVC Sheet 9/2/15-04: Overlay of Applicant's Sheet ZC-2 onto partial scanned MPD. <br />6. LHVC Sheet 9/2/15-05: Overlay of TL Maps onto Applicant's Sheet ZC-3 <br />All of these maps produce essentially identical positioning of the applicant's property <br />onto the Metro Plan Diagram Four of those maps use the applicant's own boundary <br />survey (ZC-2). Neither the LCOG map nor our sheet LHVC 9/2/15-05 use the <br />applicant's materials. Sheet LHVC 9/2/15-05 was submitted only to show that maps <br />commonly used by local government entities (COE, Lane County, LCOG) are perfectly <br />consistent with maps generated from the applicant's own materials. This includes <br />LCOG's overlay of the tax lots from their GIS database and an overlay of the maps used <br />by the County's Tax Assessor onto the Metro Plan Diagram. <br />These maps were not intended for any other purpose than to show consistency with the <br />applicant's own materials if those are used appropriately. <br />Sincerely, <br />/Gunnar Schlieder, Ph.D., CEG <br />Co-Chair <br />Laurel Hill Valley Citizens <br />