r57 �'b <br />Eugene ' <br />EXHIBIT A <br />NOTICE OF EUGENE CITY COUNCIL DECISION <br />River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan Metro Plan Amendments and <br />Code Amendments I City File Nos. MA 23-5 and CA 23-3 <br />On April 22, 2024, the Eugene City Council approved Ordinance No. 20707, an ordinance amending <br />the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to: adopt the River Road -Santa <br />Clara Neighborhood Plan as a refinement plan of the Metro Plan; remove Chapter II Section F from <br />the Metro Plan; remove references Chapter II, Section F from the Table of Contents and the Chapter II <br />Introduction; and add the River Road -Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan to list of refinement plans in <br />Appendix B of the Metro Plan. <br />On April 22, 2024, the Eugene City Council also approved Ordinance No. 20708, an ordinance <br />amending the Eugene Code. The ordinance amends the uses and development standards applicable to <br />properties zoned C-2 Community Commercial and the R-1 Low Density Residential and located in the <br />River Road -Santa Clara Prohibited Uses Area and the River Road -Santa Clara Specific Regulation Area <br />[see Map 9.2161(11) and 9.2170(3)(d) attached to the ordinance]. These areas generally encompass <br />properties within the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods and the city limits, except for a <br />section of River Avenue between River Road and Beltline. <br />To view the ordinances, visit: https://www.eugene-or.gov/3558/River-Road---Santa-Clara- <br />Neighborhood-PI; The ordinances will also be available by visiting: www.eugene-or.gov/cityrecorder, <br />and going to "Quick Links" and clicking on "Ordinances". <br />All related application materials for both applications, including the City's affidavit of mailing and the <br />notice of decision provided to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development <br />(DLCD), are available for viewing (or copies can be provided at cost), at the City's Permit and <br />Information Center (PIC), located at 99 W 10th Ave, Eugene 97401. The PIC is open 12:00 pm to 4:00 <br />pm Monday through Friday. Please contact the staff representative listed below about any <br />alternatives for reviewing materials. Application materials may also be posted on the City's land use <br />application website as a courtesy, at: <br />https://Pdd.eugene-or.gov/LandUse/ SearchApplication Documents?file=MA-23-0005 <br />Adoption of Ordinance No. 20707 and 20708 are the final City decisions on these matters. Persons <br />who appeared, either orally or in writing, in the local government proceedings leading to adoption of <br />the ordinances may appeal the City Council's decisions to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. <br />Appeals to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals must be filed within 21 days of May 1, 2024, the <br />date this Notice of Decision was mailed. Appeals to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals are <br />governed by ORS 197.825 to 197.845. <br />Date Of Mailed Notice: 05/01/2024 <br />