which has been recording the volunteer hours donated by neighborhood organizations for <br />years --- even as it expands to serve and record the volunteer hours recorded by other <br />community organizations and nonprofits. This equitable method of recognizing volunteers for <br />their civic participation will be especially useful in a time of reduced government budgets. <br />We are continuing to ask our local legislators to support state regulation, so that local time <br />banks will be subject to the same security and auditing standards that are applied to all other <br />banks. In fact, we are also encouraging all local banks to allow customers to open accounts in <br />the local "time dollar" currency. (The IRS has previously ruled that time bank payments are <br />not subject to taxes, as long as the time dollars are not converted to another currency.) <br />Although many of the events that led to these unfortunate outcomes for the RRCO-SCCO plan <br />were out of your control, the decision to recognize and reward your volunteers for their <br />valuable time is always available to you. <br />Thank you for your consideration. <br />Peace, <br />John Quetzalcoatl Murray <br />Whole Community News / KEPW 97.3 FM <br />work: 541-632-3692 <br />cell: 541-731-8422 <br />email: johnq publicnewspa ep rs.org <br />schedule: haps://www.calendly.com/johngmurrU <br />