we need neighborhood -specific regulations to guide the development of the River Road corridor. We <br />appreciate the C2 code changes proposed instead of a special area zone but we recommend that you <br />reconsider a one -size -fits -all ordinance for all seven corridors, as proposed to be enacted in 2026. <br />We wish to recognize the efforts of the Eugene Planning staff, the RRCO and SCCO boards, the Community <br />Advisory Committee, and all of the members of our joint communities who have engaged with us over these <br />past seven years to reach this milestone. It is our hope that we will continue to collaborate over the coming <br />years as we work to implement the Action Plan and resolve our parking, commercial, and corridor issues. <br />We request that the public record remain open for 7 days after the hearing for additional public <br />testimony. <br />Thank you for your consideration, <br />/s/ River Road Community Organization Board Members <br />Footnote: <br />1. (from City Council Agenda Page 72 February 20, 2024 Public Hearing - Item 4) <br />9.2161 Commercial Zone — Land Use and Permit Requirements Special Use Limitations: <br />(6) In the C-2 zone, up to two dwellings are allowed in a structure <br />if the ground floor of the structure is used for commercial or non-residential purposes consistent with <br />Table 9.2161. <br />Table 9.2161 Commercial Uses Requirements in Mixed -Use Residential <br />Developments <br />C-1 <br />C-2 <br />Commercial Uses Requirements in Mixed -Use Residential Developments <br />Minimum Percent of Building Street 80% 60% <br />Frontage in Commercial Use. <br />Building street frontage shall be <br />measured along the length of the <br />building at the ground level within the <br />maximum front yard setback. As used <br />herein, "commercial" includes any non- <br />residential use occupying a space at <br />least 15 feet deep from the street <br />facade of the building, excluding <br />parking areas and garages. <br />Jon Belcher (he/him) jbelcherC�efn.org <br />19 <br />